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Verse 1

C5                              G?7     G5
Baby face, You got the cutest little    baby face
There?s not another who can take your place
     C5      E5        A5
My   Ba  -  by        face, 
D5                          G5
My poor heart is thumping,  you sure have started something?


C5                                     E5         A5    E5    C5     C5
Baby face,  I?m up in heaven when I?m in  your   fond     emb - race
           F5     F5                     C5     E5    A5
I didn?t need a shove, well I went and fell   in   love
         D5      G5    C5
With my pretty baby   face.

Verse 2

C5                                          G?7      G5
Baby face,   you?ve got the cutest little tootsie    face                             
There?s not another who can take your place
     C5      E5        A5
My   Ba  -  by        face, 
Well my poor heart is jumping  
You know you went and started something


C5                                     E5         A5    E5     C5     C5
Baby face,  I?m up in heaven when I?m in  your   fond     emb -  race
          F5       F5                    C5    E5     A5
I didn?t need a shove,  Cos I went and fell  in   love
           D5            G5       D5           G5
With your pretty little baby,   pretty little  baby
D5                      G5    C5    G5   C5
Talking ?bout a little baby  face


Verse 1

D5                              A?7     A5
Baby face, You got the cutest little    baby face
There?s not another who can take your place
     D5      F#5       B5
My   Ba  -  by        face, 
E5                          A5
My poor heart is thumping,  you sure have started something?


D5                                     F#5        B5    F#5   D5     D5
Baby face,  I?m up in heaven when I?m in  your   fond     emb - race
           G5     G5                     D5     F#5   B5
I didn?t need a shove, well I went and fell   in   love
         E5      A5    D5
With my pretty baby   face.

Verse 2

D5                                          A?7      A5
Baby face,   you?ve got the cutest little tootsie    face                             
There?s not another who can take your place
     D5      F#5       B5
My   Ba  -  by        face, 
Well my poor heart is jumping  
You know you went and started something


D5                                     F#5        B5    F#5    D5     D5
Baby face,  I?m up in heaven when I?m in  your   fond     emb -  race
          G5       G5                    D5    F#5    B5
I didn?t need a shove,  Cos I went and fell  in   love
           E5            A5       E5           A5
With your pretty little baby,   pretty little  baby
E5                      A5    D5    A5   D5
Talking ?bout a little baby  face


Verse 1

E5                              B?7     B5
Baby face, You got the cutest little    baby face
There?s not another who can take your place
     E5      G#5       C#5
My   Ba  -  by        face, 
F#5                         B5
My poor heart is thumping,  you sure have started something?


E5                                     G#5        C#5   G#5   E5     E5
Baby face,  I?m up in heaven when I?m in  your   fond     emb - race
           A5     A5                     E5     G#5   C#5
I didn?t need a shove, well I went and fell   in   love
         F#5     B5    E5
With my pretty baby   face.

Verse 2

E5                                          B?7      B5
Baby face,   you?ve got the cutest little tootsie    face                             
There?s not another who can take your place
     E5      G#5       C#5
My   Ba  -  by        face, 
Well my poor heart is jumping  
You know you went and started something


E5                                     G#5        C#5   G#5    E5     E5
Baby face,  I?m up in heaven when I?m in  your   fond     emb -  race
          A5       A5                    E5    G#5    C#5
I didn?t need a shove,  Cos I went and fell  in   love
           F#5           B5       F#5          B5
With your pretty little baby,   pretty little  baby
F#5                     B5    E5    B5   E5
Talking ?bout a little baby  face

Verse 1

F5                              C?7     C5
Baby face, You got the cutest little    baby face
There?s not another who can take your place
     F5      A5        D5
My   Ba  -  by        face, 
G5                          C5
My poor heart is thumping,  you sure have started something?


F5                                     A5         D5    A5    F5     F5
Baby face,  I?m up in heaven when I?m in  your   fond     emb - race
           Bb5    Bb5                    F5     A5    D5
I didn?t need a shove, well I went and fell   in   love
         G5      C5    F5
With my pretty baby   face.

Verse 2

F5                                          C?7      C5
Baby face,   you?ve got the cutest little tootsie    face                             
There?s not another who can take your place
     F5      A5        D5
My   Ba  -  by        face, 
Well my poor heart is jumping  
You know you went and started something


F5                                     A5         D5    A5     F5     F5
Baby face,  I?m up in heaven when I?m in  your   fond     emb -  race
          Bb5      Bb5                   F5    A5     D5
I didn?t need a shove,  Cos I went and fell  in   love
           G5            C5       G5           C5
With your pretty little baby,   pretty little  baby
G5                      C5    F5    C5   F5
Talking ?bout a little baby  face

Verse 1

G5                              D?7     D5
Baby face, You got the cutest little    baby face
There?s not another who can take your place
     G5      B5        E5
My   Ba  -  by        face, 
A5                          D5
My poor heart is thumping,  you sure have started something?


G5                                     B5         E5    B5    G5     G5
Baby face,  I?m up in heaven when I?m in  your   fond     emb - race
           C5     C5                     G5     B5    E5
I didn?t need a shove, well I went and fell   in   love
         A5      D5    G5
With my pretty baby   face.

Verse 2

G5                                          D?7      D5
Baby face,   you?ve got the cutest little tootsie    face                             
There?s not another who can take your place
     G5      B5        E5
My   Ba  -  by        face, 
Well my poor heart is jumping  
You know you went and started something


G5                                     B5         E5    B5     G5     G5
Baby face,  I?m up in heaven when I?m in  your   fond     emb -  race
          C5       C5                    G5    B5     E5
I didn?t need a shove,  Cos I went and fell  in   love
           A5            D5       A5           D5
With your pretty little baby,   pretty little  baby
A5                      D5    G5    D5   G5
Talking ?bout a little baby  face

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