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#-- File created with Instab - http://www.pconline.com/~smcarey/instab.html --#

Author/Artist: Blink-182
Title: Mutt
Album: Enema of the state
Transcribed by: Alex Budenberg
Email: Buden2001@aol.com

This tab is 100% correct, trust me, please email me if you 
have any requests from enema of the state, h=hammer on

          he pauses shaving...                                                

 pm--|      pm--|      pm--|            pm--|         pm--|      om--|        

 pm--|       pm--|          pm--|      pm--|                                  

 pm--|      pm--|       pm--|          pm--|         He's not that old..      


                   PLAY 2X         yeah, thay dont even care...               

                          ..at all.                                           


         starved for attention before...  (play twice)                        

  pm----|       pm----|       pm---|      pm---|         OUTRO:               

  Thats it if you have any comments or requests from enema of the state
  then email me at Buden2001@aol.com, goodbye for now...
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