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Tabbed By: mark randall
     Email: qwikstix3@yahoo.com
       AIm: QwikStix3

   I know this is only a portion of a tab but i got tired of looking at all the wrong ones on here. there way off on this beginning segment. Use my beginning and
that Atticus kids tab of the rest of the song and you'll be golden. Enjoy and never ever stop playin drums, keep on practicin!

   SnD:| ------------O--- | ------------X--- | ------------O--- |
   BD1:| --------------o- | oo-o--o-oo-o--o- | oo-o--o-oo-o--o- |
 Count:|             4 +  | 1e a  + 3e a4 +  | 1e a  + 3e a4 +  |

   SnD:| ------------X--- | ------------O--- | ------------X--- |
   BD1:| oo-o--o-oo-o--o- | oo-o--o-oo-o--o- | oo-o--o-oo-o--o- |
 Count:| 1e a  + 3e a4 +  | 1e a  + 3e a4 +  | 1e a  + 3e a4 +  |

   SnD:| ------------O--- | ------------X--- | ------------O-f- |
   BD1:| oo-o--o-oo-o--o- | oo-o--o-oo-o--o- | oo-o--o-oo-o---- |
 Count:| 1e a  + 3e a4 +  | 1e a  + 3e a4 +  | 1e a  + 3e a4 +  |

  Tom1:| -o-------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- |
   SnD:| ----f-------X--- | ------------O--- | ------------X--- |
  FlT1:| -o-------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- |
   BD1:| O--O--o-oo-o--o- | oo-o--o-oo-o--o- | oo-o--o-oo-o--o- |
 Count:| 1e a2 + 3e a4 +  | 1e a  + 3e a4 +  | 1e a  + 3e a4 +  |

  Tom1:| ---------------- | --o----------------------o------ |
   SnD:| ------------O-f- | --------f---------------o------- |
  FlT1:| ---------------- | --o-----------------------o----- |
   BD1:| oo-o--o-oo-o---- | O-----O---------------------o--- |
 Count:| 1e a  + 3e a4 +  | 1 e   a 2               4 e +    |

  Tom1:| -------------------------o------ |
   SnD:| ------------------------o------- |
  FlT1:| --------------------------o----- |
   BD1:| ----------------------------o--- |
 Count:|                         4 e +    |

  Tom1:| -o-------------------------- |
   SnD:| o--------------------------- |
  FlT1:| --o------------------------- |
   BD1:| ----o----------------------- |

                                (& a 4 e & a)
   SnD:| oOo-O-oOo-O-oOo-O-oOo-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-|<--(yo im 110% positive this is                                                           
         rLr L rLr L...          R L R L R L      correct its called "grandmas"
                                                  and all it is, is "heretas" with 
                                                  Left Accents. enjoys
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