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Glass Jaw- When One Eight Becomes Two Zeros  
Tabbed By Jesse Krupocin
(#)- Let note ring
(h)- Hammer On
(p)- Pull Off
*NOTE*-can also be played in EADG, just move every D note down 2

Play in Intro (and "This is what its Like to be me...")
G  :--------------|
D  :--------------|
A  :55555h6p5-----|
D  :--------------|

Played 1st During Slow Part (sounds better slapped)
G  :------------------|
D  :------------------|
A  :------------------|
D  :00----00----------|

Played 2nd During Slow part
G  :7-5-4h5p4h5p4-------------------------|
D  :-------------(3)---0233---------------|
A  :-----------------------3h5\0----------|
D  :--------------------------------------|

"We're breakin out..."
G  :------------------------|
D  :------------------------|
A  :------------------------|
D  :0001----0001------0001--|

Change at end of song
(.'s are just to indicate 12 instead of 1 and 2)
G  :---------------------------------------------------|
D  :-----------------|
A  :-----------------------------9---------99977777----|
D  :|

Play parts as needed
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