• Song:

    Just Watch The Fireworks

  • Artist:

    Jimmy Eat World

  • Album:


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A "*" indicates the note should be played continuously until a change occurs 
(i.e. chord progression, variation, tacet, etc.) 

A "`" indicates the note should be let rung 

Optional Intro (it sounds good, add it if you want) 
G ---|---|---| 
D ---|---|---| 
A -4-|-1-|---| 
E ---|---|-2-| 

Verse 1 
G ----|----|----|------| 
D ----|----|----|------| 6x 
A -4*-|-1*-|----|------| 
E ----|----|-2*-|-0/2*-| 

Chorus 1 (follow repeat signs) 
G --------------------------|------------------| 
D .--------------------------|-----------------.| 3x 
A .--------------------------|-----------------.| 
E -12-12-12-12--10/12-10/12-|-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2--| 

G -----| 
D ----.| 3x 
A ----.| 
E -7*--| 

Verse 2 
G ----|----|----|------| 
D ----|----|----|------| 4x 
A -4*-|-1*-|----|------| 
E ----|----|-2*-|-0/2*-| 

Chorus 2 (follow repeat signs) 
G --------------------------|------------------| 
D .--------------------------|-----------------.| 3x 
A .--------------------------|-----------------.| 
E -12-12-12-12--10/12-10/12-|-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2--| 

G ----|----------| 
D ----|----------| 
A ----|----------| 
E -7*-|-4-4-4-7'-| 

G ---------|---------|---------|----|------| 
D ---------|---------|---------|----|------| 6x 
A ---------|---------|---------|----|------| 
E -4-4-4-4-|-4-4-7-7-|-7-7-7-7-|-2*-|-0/2*-| 

G ----------| 
D ----------| 3x 
A ----------| 
E -4-4-4-7`-| 

G ---------|---------|---------| 
D ---------|---------|---------| 
A ---------|---------|---------| 
E -4-4-4-4-|-4-4-7-7-|-7-7-7-7-| 

Outro (repeat a lot) 
G ----|------| 
D ----|------| 
A ----|------| 
E -2*-|-0/2*-| 

G ----------| 
D ----------| 
A ----------| 
E -4-4-4-7`-|
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