• Song:

    A Picture Of You

  • Artist:

    Joe Brown

  • Album:

    A Picture Of You

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Hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ...Garry Smythe
Please e mail any corrections to:-  g.smythe@sky.com

A Picture Of You    Joe Brown And The Bruvvers.

JOE BROWN PLAYS THIS IN THE KEY OF  ? A ?               

A                      G            E
In the night there are sights to be seen.
A                        G          E
Stars like jewels on the crown of a queen.
D                              E
But the only sight I?m want to view
        A         D          A    E
Is that wonderful picture of you.


A                 G      E
On a streetcar or in the caf?.
A                      G           E
All of the evening and most of the day
   D                             E
My mind is in a maze, what can I do?
  A              D          A
I still see that picture of you.


C#m         Bm      C#m       Bm
It was last summer, I fell in love
C#m           Bm         C#m  E
My heart told me what to do.
A                      F#m
I saw you there on the crest of a hill,
      D                        E
And I took a little picture of you.


A                         G            E
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
A                          G           E
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  D                                   E
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     A        D          A    E
I?ve only had picture of you.


A    D    A    E
A    D    A    E


A                         G            E
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
A                          G           E
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  D                                   E
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     A         D          A         E
I?ve only had picture of you...oh, yeah.

     A         D          A
That wonderful picture of you.  PAUSE
A               D          A         E
I?m left with a picture of you, oh, yeah.
A              D          A
That wonderful picture of you.



G                      F            D
In the night there are sights to be seen.
G                        F          D
Stars like jewels on the crown of a queen.
C                              D
But the only sight I?m want to view
        G         C          G    D
Is that wonderful picture of you.


G                 F      D
On a streetcar or in the caf?.
G                      F           D
All of the evening and most of the day
   C                             D
My mind is in a maze, what can I do?
  G              C          G
I still see that picture of you.


Bm          Am      Bm        Am
It was last summer, I fell in love
Bm            Am         Bm   D
My heart told me what to do.
G                      Em       
I saw you there on the crest of a hill,
      C                        D
And I took a little picture of you.


G                         F            D
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
G                          F           D
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  C                                   D
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     G        C          G    D
I?ve only had picture of you.


G    C    G    D
G    C    G    D


G                         F            D
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
G                          F           D
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  C                                   D
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     G         C          G         D
I?ve only had picture of you...oh, yeah.

     G         C          G
That wonderful picture of you.  PAUSE
G               C          G         D
I?m left with a picture of you, oh, yeah.
G              C          G
That wonderful picture of you.



C                      A#           G
In the night there are sights to be seen.
C                        A#         G
Stars like jewels on the crown of a queen.
F                              G
But the only sight I?m want to view
        C         F          C    G
Is that wonderful picture of you.


C                 A#     G
On a streetcar or in the caf?.
C                      A#          G
All of the evening and most of the day
   F                             G
My mind is in a maze, what can I do?
  C              F          C
I still see that picture of you.


Em          Dm      Em        Dm
It was last summer, I fell in love
Em            Dm         Em   G
My heart told me what to do.
C                      Am
I saw you there on the crest of a hill,
      F                        G
And I took a little picture of you.


C                         A#           G
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
C                          A#          G
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  F                                   G
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     C        F          C    G
I?ve only had picture of you.


C    F    C    G
C    F    C    G


C                         A#           G
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
C                          A#          G
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  F                                   G
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     C         F          C         G
I?ve only had picture of you...oh, yeah.

     C         F          C
That wonderful picture of you.  PAUSE
C               F          C         G
I?m left with a picture of you, oh, yeah.
C              F          C
That wonderful picture of you.


D                      C            A
In the night there are sights to be seen.
D                        C          A
Stars like jewels on the crown of a queen.
G                              A
But the only sight I?m want to view
        D         G          D    A
Is that wonderful picture of you.


D                 C      A
On a streetcar or in the caf?.
D                      C           A
All of the evening and most of the day
   G                             A
My mind is in a maze, what can I do?
  D              G          D
I still see that picture of you.


F#m         Em      F#m       Em
It was last summer, I fell in love
F#m           Em         F#m  A
My heart told me what to do.
D                      Bm
I saw you there on the crest of a hill,
      G                        A
And I took a little picture of you.


D                         C            A
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
D                          C           A
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  G                                   A
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     D        G          D    A
I?ve only had picture of you.


D    G    D    A
D    G    D    A


D                         C            A
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
D                          C           A
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  G                                   A
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     D         G          D         A
I?ve only had picture of you...oh, yeah.

     D         G          D
That wonderful picture of you.  PAUSE
D               G          D         A
I?m left with a picture of you, oh, yeah.
D              G          D
That wonderful picture of you.


E                      D            B
In the night there are sights to be seen.
E                        D          B
Stars like jewels on the crown of a queen.
A                              B
But the only sight I?m want to view
        E         A          E    B
Is that wonderful picture of you.


E                 D      B
On a streetcar or in the caf?.
E                      D           B
All of the evening and most of the day
   A                             B
My mind is in a maze, what can I do?
  E              A          E
I still see that picture of you.


G#m         F#m     G#m       F#m
It was last summer, I fell in love
G#m           F#m        G#m  B
My heart told me what to do.
E                      C#m
I saw you there on the crest of a hill,
      A                        B
And I took a little picture of you.


E                         D            B
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
E                          D           B
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  A                                   B
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     E        A          E    B
I?ve only had picture of you.


E    A    E    B
E    A    E    B


E                         D            B
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
E                          D           B
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  A                                   B
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     E         A          E         B
I?ve only had picture of you...oh, yeah.

     E         A          E
That wonderful picture of you.  PAUSE
E               A          E         B
I?m left with a picture of you, oh, yeah.
E              A          E
That wonderful picture of you.


F                      Eb           C
In the night there are sights to be seen.
F                        Eb         C
Stars like jewels on the crown of a queen.
Bb                             C
But the only sight I?m want to view
        F         Bb         F    C
Is that wonderful picture of you.


F                 Eb     C
On a streetcar or in the caf?.
F                      Eb          C
All of the evening and most of the day
   Bb                            C
My mind is in a maze, what can I do?
  F              Bb         F
I still see that picture of you.


Am          Gm      Am        Gm
It was last summer, I fell in love
Am            Gm         Am   C
My heart told me what to do.
F                      Dm
I saw you there on the crest of a hill,
      Bb                       C
And I took a little picture of you.


F                         Eb           C
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
F                          Eb          C
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  Bb                                  C
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     F        Bb         F    C
I?ve only had picture of you.


F    Bb   F    C
F    Bb   F    C


F                         Eb           C
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
F                          Eb          C
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  Bb                                  C
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     F         Bb         F         C
I?ve only had picture of you...oh, yeah.

     F         Bb         F
That wonderful picture of you.  PAUSE
F               Bb         F         C
I?m left with a picture of you, oh, yeah.
F              Bb         F
That wonderful picture of you.

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