• Song:

    A Picture Of You

  • Artist:

    Joe Brown

  • Album:

    A Picture Of You

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A5                      G5            E5
In the night there are sights to be seen.
A5                        G5          E5
Stars like jewels on the crown of a queen.
D5                              E5
But the only sight I?m want to view
        A5         D5          A5    E5
Is that wonderful picture of you.


A5                 G5      E5
On a streetcar or in the caf?.
A5                      G5           E5
All of the evening and most of the day
   D5                             E5
My mind is in a maze, what can I do?
  A5              D5          A5
I still see that picture of you.


C#5         B5      C#5       B5
It was last summer, I fell in love
C#5           B5         C#5  E5
My heart told me what to do.
A5                      F#5
I saw you there on the crest of a hill,
      D5                        E5
And I took a little picture of you.


A5                         G5            E5
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
A5                          G5           E5
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  D5                                   E5
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     A5        D5          A5    E5
I?ve only had picture of you.


A5    D5    A5    E5
A5    D5    A5    E5


A5                         G5            E5
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
A5                          G5           E5
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  D5                                   E5
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     A5         D5          A5         E5
I?ve only had picture of you...oh, yeah.

     A5         D5          A5
That wonderful picture of you.  PAUSE
A5               D5          A5         E5
I?m left with a picture of you, oh, yeah.
A5              D5          A5
That wonderful picture of you.



G5                      F5            D5
In the night there are sights to be seen.
G5                        F5          D5
Stars like jewels on the crown of a queen.
C5                              D5
But the only sight I?m want to view
        G5         C5          G5    D5
Is that wonderful picture of you.


G5                 F5      D5
On a streetcar or in the caf?.
G5                      F5           D5
All of the evening and most of the day
   C5                             D5
My mind is in a maze, what can I do?
  G5              C5          G5
I still see that picture of you.


B5          A5      B5        A5
It was last summer, I fell in love
B5            A5         B5   D5
My heart told me what to do.
G5                      E5       
I saw you there on the crest of a hill,
      C5                        D5
And I took a little picture of you.


G5                         F5            D5
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
G5                          F5           D5
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  C5                                   D5
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     G5        C5          G5    D5
I?ve only had picture of you.


G5    C5    G5    D5
G5    C5    G5    D5


G5                         F5            D5
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
G5                          F5           D5
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  C5                                   D5
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     G5         C5          G5         D5
I?ve only had picture of you...oh, yeah.

     G5         C5          G5
That wonderful picture of you.  PAUSE
G5               C5          G5         D5
I?m left with a picture of you, oh, yeah.
G5              C5          G5
That wonderful picture of you.



C5                      A#5           G5
In the night there are sights to be seen.
C5                        A#5         G5
Stars like jewels on the crown of a queen.
F5                              G5
But the only sight I?m want to view
        C5         F5          C5    G5
Is that wonderful picture of you.


C5                 A#5     G5
On a streetcar or in the caf?.
C5                      A#5          G5
All of the evening and most of the day
   F5                             G5
My mind is in a maze, what can I do?
  C5              F5          C5
I still see that picture of you.


E5          D5      E5        D5
It was last summer, I fell in love
E5            D5         E5   G5
My heart told me what to do.
C5                      A5
I saw you there on the crest of a hill,
      F5                        G5
And I took a little picture of you.


C5                         A#5           G5
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
C5                          A#5          G5
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  F5                                   G5
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     C5        F5          C5    G5
I?ve only had picture of you.


C5    F5    C5    G5
C5    F5    C5    G5


C5                         A#5           G5
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
C5                          A#5          G5
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  F5                                   G5
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     C5         F5          C5         G5
I?ve only had picture of you...oh, yeah.

     C5         F5          C5
That wonderful picture of you.  PAUSE
C5               F5          C5         G5
I?m left with a picture of you, oh, yeah.
C5              F5          C5
That wonderful picture of you.


D5                      C5            A5
In the night there are sights to be seen.
D5                        C5          A5
Stars like jewels on the crown of a queen.
G5                              A5
But the only sight I?m want to view
        D5         G5          D5    A5
Is that wonderful picture of you.


D5                 C5      A5
On a streetcar or in the caf?.
D5                      C5           A5
All of the evening and most of the day
   G5                             A5
My mind is in a maze, what can I do?
  D5              G5          D5
I still see that picture of you.


F#5         E5      F#5       E5
It was last summer, I fell in love
F#5           E5         F#5  A5
My heart told me what to do.
D5                      B5
I saw you there on the crest of a hill,
      G5                        A5
And I took a little picture of you.


D5                         C5            A5
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
D5                          C5           A5
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  G5                                   A5
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     D5        G5          D5    A5
I?ve only had picture of you.


D5    G5    D5    A5
D5    G5    D5    A5


D5                         C5            A5
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
D5                          C5           A5
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  G5                                   A5
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     D5         G5          D5         A5
I?ve only had picture of you...oh, yeah.

     D5         G5          D5
That wonderful picture of you.  PAUSE
D5               G5          D5         A5
I?m left with a picture of you, oh, yeah.
D5              G5          D5
That wonderful picture of you.


E5                      D5            B5
In the night there are sights to be seen.
E5                        D5          B5
Stars like jewels on the crown of a queen.
A5                              B5
But the only sight I?m want to view
        E5         A5          E5    B5
Is that wonderful picture of you.


E5                 D5      B5
On a streetcar or in the caf?.
E5                      D5           B5
All of the evening and most of the day
   A5                             B5
My mind is in a maze, what can I do?
  E5              A5          E5
I still see that picture of you.


G#5         F#5     G#5       F#5
It was last summer, I fell in love
G#5           F#5        G#5  B5
My heart told me what to do.
E5                      C#5
I saw you there on the crest of a hill,
      A5                        B5
And I took a little picture of you.


E5                         D5            B5
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
E5                          D5           B5
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  A5                                   B5
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     E5        A5          E5    B5
I?ve only had picture of you.


E5    A5    E5    B5
E5    A5    E5    B5


E5                         D5            B5
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
E5                          D5           B5
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  A5                                   B5
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     E5         A5          E5         B5
I?ve only had picture of you...oh, yeah.

     E5         A5          E5
That wonderful picture of you.  PAUSE
E5               A5          E5         B5
I?m left with a picture of you, oh, yeah.
E5              A5          E5
That wonderful picture of you.


F5                      Eb5           C5
In the night there are sights to be seen.
F5                        Eb5         C5
Stars like jewels on the crown of a queen.
Bb5                             C5
But the only sight I?m want to view
        F5         Bb5         F5    C5
Is that wonderful picture of you.


F5                 Eb5     C5
On a streetcar or in the caf?.
F5                      Eb5          C5
All of the evening and most of the day
   Bb5                            C5
My mind is in a maze, what can I do?
  F5              Bb5         F5
I still see that picture of you.


A5          G5      A5        G5
It was last summer, I fell in love
A5            G5         A5   C5
My heart told me what to do.
F5                      D5
I saw you there on the crest of a hill,
      Bb5                       C5
And I took a little picture of you.


F5                         Eb5           C5
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
F5                          Eb5          C5
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  Bb5                                  C5
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     F5        Bb5         F5    C5
I?ve only had picture of you.


F5    Bb5   F5    C5
F5    Bb5   F5    C5


F5                         Eb5           C5
Then you were gone like a dream in the night.
F5                          Eb5          C5
With you went my heart, my love and my light.
  Bb5                                  C5
I didn?t know your name, what could I do?
     F5         Bb5         F5         C5
I?ve only had picture of you...oh, yeah.

     F5         Bb5         F5
That wonderful picture of you.  PAUSE
F5               Bb5         F5         C5
I?m left with a picture of you, oh, yeah.
F5              Bb5         F5
That wonderful picture of you.

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