Lonestar, Tell Her 2 Tabs/Chords
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Artist: Lonestar
Song: Tell Her 2
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Song Title: TELL HER
First transcription by: Raymond Graham
This revision written by: Bob Williquette
NOTE: To be viewed with a MONOSPACE font, such
as Courier, for the chord names and words to
line up correctly.

This song is what brought me to this fantastic site!
I had been searching for weeks for a tab on this song,
and finally one of my searches led me here, and I
found the version posted here by Raymond Graham. I
grabbed my guitar, and sat down in front of my cd
player, and tried to play along - but it just did not
sound quite right in a lot of Raymond's transcription.
So, this gave me the push I needed to get off my lazy
butt, and do a little figgerin' out myself. 
So- - -
This is a revision to the file posted by
Raymond Graham - Raymond did all the hard work,
typing this all out in the first place - I just 
changed his chords to my version. This is my first
attempt at posting a song, so bear with me!

It opens with a slow strum down the Em chord -
omitting the high E string

Please note: Occasionally, the high G note
[3rd fret, first string] is added to the Am chords
as they pick around the chords - you can hear them
clearly if you listen close. I didn't include any
fingerpicking tablature, I think it's better, anyway,
rather than to play a certain ''set'' way, to just
pick out notes around the chords according to how 
you feel the song!

[Verse 1]
Em (022000@1)                           AmSo (x02210@1)you say your loves about to end
                   C (x32010@1)                 
You say you can't take no more, she's out the door
            C (x32010@1)    C/B (x2555x@1)Am7 (x02010@1)  GAnd (320003@1)you're looking for   a   friend.
Em (022000@1)                    Am (x02210@1)  Who am I to tell you why?
              C (x32010@1)               
But I'm just curious, were you furious
            C (x32010@1)    C/B (x2555x@1)   Am7Or (x02010@1)did you swallow your pride, 
      DAnd (xx0232@1)look her in the eye and

[Chorus 1:]
GTell (320003@1)her that you love her
GTell (320003@1)her that you need her
Tell her that you want her to stay
CReassure (x32010@1)her with a kiss
C (x32010@1)   C/B (x2555x@1)    Am7 (x02010@1)   DShe (xx0232@1)may never know unless you
G (320003@1)Show her what you're feeling
GTell (320003@1)her you're believing
Even though it's hard to say
CCause (x32010@1)she needs to know you're thinking of her
    C (x32010@1) C/B (x2555x@1)   Am7 (x02010@1)                  GSo (320003@1)open up and tell her that you love her

[Verse 2]
D-Em                                      Am (x02210@1)   Brother I've been right where you are now
        CAnd (x32010@1)my heart was broke, cause I never spoke
      C (x32010@1)     C/B (x2555x@1) Am7 (x02010@1) GThose (320003@1)healing words out loud.
Em (022000@1)                       Am (x02210@1) But I learned my lesson well,
      CNow (x32010@1)every night, before I close my eyes
     C (x32010@1)      C/B (x2555x@1)      Am7 (x02010@1)   DI (xx0232@1)look at my woman and I ask myself, did you

[Chorus II:]
GTell (320003@1)her that you love her
GTell (320003@1)her that you need her
Tell her that you want her to stay
CReassure (x32010@1)her with a kiss
C (x32010@1)     C/B (x2555x@1)   Am7 (x02010@1)  DShe (xx0232@1)may never know unless you
G (320003@1)Show her what you're feeling
GTell (320003@1)her you're believing
Even though it's hard to say
           CCause (x32010@1)she needs to know you're thinking of her
    C (x32010@1)  C/B (x2555x@1)   Am7So (x02010@1)open up and tell her that you love

 G- (320003@1)- - Bm7/F# - - - Em- (022000@1)D- (xx0232@1)C- (x32010@1)D- (xx0232@1)    
her. [instrumental - - - - - - - - - ]

[Chorus 3- KEY CHANGE]
ATell (x02220@1)her that you love her
ATell (x02220@1)her that you need her
Tell her that you want her to stay
DReassure (xx0232@1)her with a kiss
D (xx0232@1)      D/C# (x40232@1)Bm7 (x20202@1)   EShe (022100@1)may never know unless you
AShow (x02220@1)her what you're feeling
ATell (x02220@1)her you're believing
Even though it's hard to say
DCause (xx0232@1)she needs to know you're thinking of her
    D (xx0232@1) D/C# (x40232@1)  Bm7 (x20202@1)                  ASo (x02220@1)open up and tell her that you love her
C# (x43121@1) D (xx0232@1)   EWoh (022100@1)yeah, Tell her that you love her

[Play a slow ending strum on F#m]

Ending riff notes:

Altho its a lot of moving on the neck,
I prefer playing it all on the B string-
I just like the sound better that way.
Since I am not familiar with proper tablature
notation, let me explain what I mean:
\= slide down
/= slide up
Of course, since these notes aren't played on
the guitar at all, you just play them how you
feel 'em! Illustrated above is how I "feel" 

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