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    Motion In The Ocean (Co...

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I hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ... Garry Smythe
Please e mail me with any corrections or suggestions to:-  g.smythe@sky.com

Lonely   McFly

McFly sing this in the key of  C#  so play along with a capo on 1st Fret

C    Em   C    Em


C                 Em    Dm               G
It's only been a day,   but it's like I can?t go on
C             Em    Dm                 G
I just wanna say,     I never meant to do you wrong
F                   G            C            Em    Am
And I remember you told me baby Something?s gotta give
          Dm                            F                        G
If I cant be the one to hold you baby,    I don?t think I could live


G           C                            Am
Now Im so sick of being lonely, this is killing me so slowly
          Dm                                             G
Don?t pretend that you don?t know me, 'Cause that?s the worst thing you could do
           C                                   Am
Now I'm singing such a sad song, these things never seem to last long
            Dm                              G           F               C
Something that I never planned on, help me baby I?m so sick of being lonely


C                   Em       Dm                  G
Your stuff is in my house,      so many things I can?t ignore
C                     Em     Dm                    G
Clothes still on the couch,    your photos on my freezer door
F                   G              C            Em        Am
And I remember you told me baby, something?s   gotta     give
          Dm                            F                         G
If I cant be the one to hold you baby,   I don?t think I could live


G           C                            Am
Now Im so sick of being lonely, this is killing me so slowly
          Dm                                             G
Don?t pretend that you don?t know me, 'Cause that?s the worst thing you could do
           C                                   Am
Now I'm singing such a sad song, these things never seem to last long
            Dm                              G           F               Am
Something that I never planned on, help me baby I?m so sick of being lonely

Am           F                C                 G
La la la la la ,  la la la la la,  la la la la la,

E7        Am
I am so lonely

            F                 C      G
La la la la la ,  la la la la la

F                   G              C            Em        Am
And I remember you told me baby, something?s   gotta     give
          Dm                            F                         G
If I cant be the one to hold you baby,   I don?t think I could live


            C                            Am
Now Im so sick of being lonely, this is killing me so slowly
          Dm                                             G
Don?t pretend that you don?t know me, 'Cause that?s the worst thing you could do
           C                                   Am
Now I'm singing such a sad song, these things never seem to last long
            Dm                              G           F               C
Something that I never planned on, help me baby I?m so sick of being lonely

E7         Am                 Dm    F   C
I am so lonely,      I am so lonely.......


D    F#m  D    F#m


D                 F#m   Em               A
It's only been a day,   but it's like I can?t go on
D             F#m   Em                 A
I just wanna say,     I never meant to do you wrong
G                   A            D            F#m   Bm
And I remember you told me baby Something?s gotta give
          Em                            G                        A
If I cant be the one to hold you baby,    I don?t think I could live


A           D                            Bm
Now Im so sick of being lonely, this is killing me so slowly
          Em                                             A
Don?t pretend that you don?t know me, 'Cause that?s the worst thing you could do
           D                                   Bm
Now I'm singing such a sad song, these things never seem to last long
            Em                              A           G               D
Something that I never planned on, help me baby I?m so sick of being lonely


D                   F#m      Em                  A
Your stuff is in my house,      so many things I can?t ignore
D                     F#m    Em                    A
Clothes still on the couch,    your photos on my freezer door
G                   A              D            F#m       Bm
And I remember you told me baby, something?s   gotta     give
          Em                            G                         A
If I cant be the one to hold you baby,   I don?t think I could live


A           D                            Bm
Now Im so sick of being lonely, this is killing me so slowly
          Em                                             A
Don?t pretend that you don?t know me, 'Cause that?s the worst thing you could do
           D                                   Bm
Now I'm singing such a sad song, these things never seem to last long
            Em                              A           G               Bm
Something that I never planned on, help me baby I?m so sick of being lonely

Bm           G                D                 A
La la la la la ,  la la la la la,  la la la la la,

F#7       Bm
I am so lonely

            G                 D      A
La la la la la ,  la la la la la

G                   A              D            F#m       Bm
And I remember you told me baby, something?s   gotta     give
          Em                            G                         A
If I cant be the one to hold you baby,   I don?t think I could live


            D                            Bm
Now Im so sick of being lonely, this is killing me so slowly
          Em                                             A
Don?t pretend that you don?t know me, 'Cause that?s the worst thing you could do
           D                                   Bm
Now I'm singing such a sad song, these things never seem to last long
            Em                              A           G               D
Something that I never planned on, help me baby I?m so sick of being lonely

F#7        Bm                 Em    G   D
I am so lonely,      I am so lonely.......

E    G#m  E    G#m


E                 G#m   F#m              B
It's only been a day,   but it's like I can?t go on
E             G#m   F#m                B
I just wanna say,     I never meant to do you wrong
A                   B            E            G#m   C#m
And I remember you told me baby Something?s gotta give
          F#m                           A                        B
If I cant be the one to hold you baby,    I don?t think I could live


B           E                            C#m
Now Im so sick of being lonely, this is killing me so slowly
          F#m                                            B
Don?t pretend that you don?t know me, 'Cause that?s the worst thing you could do
           E                                   C#m
Now I'm singing such a sad song, these things never seem to last long
            F#m                             B           A               E
Something that I never planned on, help me baby I?m so sick of being lonely


E                   G#m      F#m                 B
Your stuff is in my house,      so many things I can?t ignore
E                     G#m    F#m                   B
Clothes still on the couch,    your photos on my freezer door
A                   B              E            G#m       C#m
And I remember you told me baby, something?s   gotta     give
          F#m                           A                         B
If I cant be the one to hold you baby,   I don?t think I could live


B           E                            C#m
Now Im so sick of being lonely, this is killing me so slowly
          F#m                                            B
Don?t pretend that you don?t know me, 'Cause that?s the worst thing you could do
           E                                   C#m
Now I'm singing such a sad song, these things never seem to last long
            F#m                             B           A               C#m
Something that I never planned on, help me baby I?m so sick of being lonely

C#m          A                E                 B
La la la la la ,  la la la la la,  la la la la la,

G#7       C#m
I am so lonely

            A                 E      B
La la la la la ,  la la la la la

A                   B              E            G#m       C#m
And I remember you told me baby, something?s   gotta     give
          F#m                           A                         B
If I cant be the one to hold you baby,   I don?t think I could live


            E                            C#m
Now Im so sick of being lonely, this is killing me so slowly
          F#m                                            B
Don?t pretend that you don?t know me, 'Cause that?s the worst thing you could do
           E                                   C#m
Now I'm singing such a sad song, these things never seem to last long
            F#m                             B           A               E
Something that I never planned on, help me baby I?m so sick of being lonely

G#7        C#m                F#m   A   E
I am so lonely,      I am so lonely.......

F    Am   F    Am


F                 Am    Gm               C
It's only been a day,   but it's like I can?t go on
F             Am    Gm                 C
I just wanna say,     I never meant to do you wrong
Bb                  C            F            Am    Dm
And I remember you told me baby Something?s gotta give
          Gm                            Bb                       C
If I cant be the one to hold you baby,    I don?t think I could live


C           F                            Dm
Now Im so sick of being lonely, this is killing me so slowly
          Gm                                             C
Don?t pretend that you don?t know me, 'Cause that?s the worst thing you could do
           F                                   Dm
Now I'm singing such a sad song, these things never seem to last long
            Gm                              C           Bb              F
Something that I never planned on, help me baby I?m so sick of being lonely


F                   Am       Gm                  C
Your stuff is in my house,      so many things I can?t ignore
F                     Am     Gm                    C
Clothes still on the couch,    your photos on my freezer door
Bb                  C              F            Am        Dm
And I remember you told me baby, something?s   gotta     give
          Gm                            Bb                        C
If I cant be the one to hold you baby,   I don?t think I could live


C           F                            Dm
Now Im so sick of being lonely, this is killing me so slowly
          Gm                                             C
Don?t pretend that you don?t know me, 'Cause that?s the worst thing you could do
           F                                   Dm
Now I'm singing such a sad song, these things never seem to last long
            Gm                              C           Bb              Dm
Something that I never planned on, help me baby I?m so sick of being lonely

Dm           Bb               F                 C
La la la la la ,  la la la la la,  la la la la la,

A7        Dm
I am so lonely

            Bb                F      C
La la la la la ,  la la la la la

Bb                  C              F            Am        Dm
And I remember you told me baby, something?s   gotta     give
          Gm                            Bb                        C
If I cant be the one to hold you baby,   I don?t think I could live


            F                            Dm
Now Im so sick of being lonely, this is killing me so slowly
          Gm                                             C
Don?t pretend that you don?t know me, 'Cause that?s the worst thing you could do
           F                                   Dm
Now I'm singing such a sad song, these things never seem to last long
            Gm                              C           Bb              F
Something that I never planned on, help me baby I?m so sick of being lonely

A7         Dm                 Gm    Bb  F
I am so lonely,      I am so lonely.......

G    Bm   G    Bm


G                 Bm    Am               D
It's only been a day,   but it's like I can?t go on
G             Bm    Am                 D
I just wanna say,     I never meant to do you wrong
C                   D            G            Bm    Em
And I remember you told me baby Something?s gotta give
          Am                            C                        D
If I cant be the one to hold you baby,    I don?t think I could live


D           G                            Em
Now Im so sick of being lonely, this is killing me so slowly
          Am                                             D
Don?t pretend that you don?t know me, 'Cause that?s the worst thing you could do
           G                                   Em
Now I'm singing such a sad song, these things never seem to last long
            Am                              D           C               G
Something that I never planned on, help me baby I?m so sick of being lonely


G                   Bm       Am                  D
Your stuff is in my house,      so many things I can?t ignore
G                     Bm     Am                    D
Clothes still on the couch,    your photos on my freezer door
C                   D              G            Bm        Em
And I remember you told me baby, something?s   gotta     give
          Am                            C                         D
If I cant be the one to hold you baby,   I don?t think I could live


D           G                            Em
Now Im so sick of being lonely, this is killing me so slowly
          Am                                             D
Don?t pretend that you don?t know me, 'Cause that?s the worst thing you could do
           G                                   Em
Now I'm singing such a sad song, these things never seem to last long
            Am                              D           C               Em
Something that I never planned on, help me baby I?m so sick of being lonely

Em           C                G                 D
La la la la la ,  la la la la la,  la la la la la,

B7        Em
I am so lonely

            C                 G      D
La la la la la ,  la la la la la

C                   D              G            Bm        Em
And I remember you told me baby, something?s   gotta     give
          Am                            C                         D
If I cant be the one to hold you baby,   I don?t think I could live


            G                            Em
Now Im so sick of being lonely, this is killing me so slowly
          Am                                             D
Don?t pretend that you don?t know me, 'Cause that?s the worst thing you could do
           G                                   Em
Now I'm singing such a sad song, these things never seem to last long
            Am                              D           C               G
Something that I never planned on, help me baby I?m so sick of being lonely

B7         Em                 Am    C   G
I am so lonely,      I am so lonely.......

A    C#m  A    C#m


A                 C#m   Bm               E
It's only been a day,   but it's like I can?t go on
A             C#m   Bm                 E
I just wanna say,     I never meant to do you wrong
D                   E            A            C#m   F#m
And I remember you told me baby Something?s gotta give
          Bm                            D                        E
If I cant be the one to hold you baby,    I don?t think I could live


E           A                            F#m
Now Im so sick of being lonely, this is killing me so slowly
          Bm                                             E
Don?t pretend that you don?t know me, 'Cause that?s the worst thing you could do
           A                                   F#m
Now I'm singing such a sad song, these things never seem to last long
            Bm                              E           D               A
Something that I never planned on, help me baby I?m so sick of being lonely


A                   C#m      Bm                  E
Your stuff is in my house,      so many things I can?t ignore
A                     C#m    Bm                    E
Clothes still on the couch,    your photos on my freezer door
D                   E              A            C#m       F#m
And I remember you told me baby, something?s   gotta     give
          Bm                            D                         E
If I cant be the one to hold you baby,   I don?t think I could live


E           A                            F#m
Now Im so sick of being lonely, this is killing me so slowly
          Bm                                             E
Don?t pretend that you don?t know me, 'Cause that?s the worst thing you could do
           A                                   F#m
Now I'm singing such a sad song, these things never seem to last long
            Bm                              E           D               F#m
Something that I never planned on, help me baby I?m so sick of being lonely

F#m          D                A                 E
La la la la la ,  la la la la la,  la la la la la,

C#7       F#m
I am so lonely

            D                 A      E
La la la la la ,  la la la la la

D                   E              A            C#m       F#m
And I remember you told me baby, something?s   gotta     give
          Bm                            D                         E
If I cant be the one to hold you baby,   I don?t think I could live


            A                            F#m
Now Im so sick of being lonely, this is killing me so slowly
          Bm                                             E
Don?t pretend that you don?t know me, 'Cause that?s the worst thing you could do
           A                                   F#m
Now I'm singing such a sad song, these things never seem to last long
            Bm                              E           D               A
Something that I never planned on, help me baby I?m so sick of being lonely

C#7        F#m                Bm    D   A
I am so lonely,      I am so lonely.......

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