• Song:


  • Artist:


  • Album:

    The Shadowthrone

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Album:The Shadowthrone
Tabbed by:Asbeel@hotmail.com

Pretty staightforward song ... at first listen !! If your a crazy 
perfectionist like me you will notice some strange
grooves in the middle and at the end . There seems to be no real pattern , 
but have no fear I will do It all because , yes
, I am that much of a guitar nazi . Some stuff you may prefer to play on the 
G string ( tremelo riffs ) but I have It on d
because I prefer the tone , no other reason . Whatever tickles your pickle 
.... Here we go .

pm=palm mute
()=artificial harmonic

Riff 1x6

Riff 2x4 x8 pick very fast ,

Riff 2b x8 Octave lower

This is the first confusing part , just play It exactly how I have shown and 
listen . You will see what I mean ...

Riff 3ax1

Riff 3b x 3 Now the pattern starts:

Fill 1 x1 End It with this...

Pick these next two riffs fast as well ...

Riff 5x4

Riff 6x8

Now the weird part , repeat Riff 3a and 3b twice , EXCEPT replace Fill 1 
with this . Also on 3b . You will understand
when you listen ...

Interesting interlude ...

Fun part

I have broken it into sections so the pattern will be easier to catch .

Riff 7a x2

Riff 7b x2

Riff 7c x2

Play these In order and then repeat . EXCEPT ( this is what I mean about 
confusing , folks ) second time through change
Riff 7c to this ...

Riff 7c x2

I told you I was a guitar nazi ...

mail me anything on your mind.

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