• Song:

    Scarborough Fair

  • Artist:

    Simon And Garfunkel

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Scarborough Fair - Simon & Garfunkel
Edit of Eric Beckman's transcription by Lindsay Danger
(Just added some chord names and lyrics)

Chords used:
*    |x04030|
Em   |022000|
C    |032010|
D    |000232|
Am   |002210|

Capo on 7th fret.


|(*)               |(Em)              |(*)Are     you    |

|(Em)Going   to    |(C)Scar  bor  ough |

|(*)Fair ?         |(Em)              |(C)Par  sley,     |(Em)sage,  rose-   |

|(C)mary(D)  and   |(*)thyme          |(Em)              |

|(*)               |(Em)              |(Em)Re  mem ber   |

|(C)me       to    |one  who  lives   |there             |                   |

|(Am)She      once |was        a      |true     love of  |

|(*)mine           |                  |                   ||
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