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 A (x02220@1)He drove up to the motel in his town & country car

E (022100@1)                                E7 (020130@1)                  A (x02220@1)He watched the working women with the field hands from the farm

A (x02220@1)                             A7 (x02020@1)              D (xx0232@1)C#m (x13321@4)name="chord_x24432@1">Bm

He walked into the lobby with his pleased to see you smile

Bm (x24432@1)                        E (022100@1)                    A (x02220@1)Scribbled on to the register his fictitious name & smiled

The footsteps of the young girl came tapping along the hall

The outline of his features were shadowed on the wall

She stood a little nervous half lit by the neon light

That flashed in many colours through the darkness of the night

E (022100@1)              E7 (020130@1)       F#m (244222@1)The skin on his face like a well worn saddle

D (xx0232@1)           A (x02220@1)      E (022100@1)Smiled as he said goodnight

D (xx0232@1)      A (x02220@1)        Bm (x24432@1)        F#m (244222@1)At the Melody Motel it was business as usual

Bm (x24432@1)                E (022100@1)          A (x02220@1)As the girls wiped the tears from their eyes.

His shirt lay by the bedside, his jeans down by his feet.

She swallowed hard & mumbled with the key between her teeth

On went the television, the picture flickering slow

Top Cat in the alleyway, as they sat there all alone.

He drove back up his driveway in his town & country car

His wife was cooking chicken with a baby in her arms

The smell of home cooked dinner filled the air at home that night

Screaming Officer Dibble, in the TV's flickering light


Bb (x1333x@1)   F (133211@1)F7 (131241@1)name="chord_x1333x@1">Bb  Bb (x1333x@1) Eb (x43121@3)name="chord_xx0231@1">Dm Cm (x3101x@1)name="chord_x3101x@1">Cm F (133211@1)name="chord_x1333x@1">Bb

Bb (x1333x@1)                                                 F (133211@1)Slumped in his favourite armchair, his face grey as stone

F (133211@1)                        F7 (131241@1)                Bb (x1333x@1)His feet upon the table, next to the chicken bones

Bb (x1333x@1)                                   Bb7 (x13131@1)             Eb (x43121@3)name="chord_xx0231@1">Dm Cm (x3101x@1)He seemed to show no feelings picking corn out from his teeth

Cm (x3101x@1)                        F (133211@1)                         Bb (x1333x@1)The police down at the motel as the blood dried on the sheets.

F (133211@1)         F7 (131241@1)        Gm (355333@1)The skin on his face like a well worn saddle

Eb (x43121@3)          Bb (x1333x@1)      F (133211@1)Smiled as he said goodnight

Eb (x43121@3)    Bb (x1333x@1)        Cm (x3101x@1)        Gm (355333@1)At the Melody Motel it was business as usual

Cm (x3101x@1)                 F (133211@1)         Gb (244322@1)name="chord_xx1114@1">Ab Bb (x1333x@1)As the girls wiped the tears from their eyes.

Eb (x43121@3)    Bb (x1333x@1)        Cm (x3101x@1)         Gm (355333@1)At the Melody Motel it was business as usual

Cm (x3101x@1)As the girls wiped the tears

F (133211@1)         Gb (244322@1)name="chord_xx1114@1">Ab Bb (x1333x@1)As the girls wiped the tears from their eyes.
                                                    Learn to play "Squeeze" with online video lessons

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