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Falling Tab by Staind

This is my first tab, so it might be a litle weird.

Intro. I dont know what they do for the first part of the intro, but im sure you're 
enough to figure it out.

Tunning is a half step down in drop D.

Play this 8X for the intro.


This next part for the verses was hard to figure out, and dosent seem quite right, but 
you play it with the music it sounds good.


First part.


Second part.

This second part looks like a run together mess, but the timeing of how I play it is 
fast. So Ive made a second smaller version of this to make sure you know that the 10 isnt a 
it goes 12 10 8 7.


Second smaler version


Pre-Chorus is the same as the intro.

Chorus. This could played many ways, but this is how I play it. Timing may not be tabed 


Ok, the solo is the same as the last guy who tryed to tab this song, but his only 
on it is that its played 1 fret down, so here it is.

Im not going to even try to tab the rhythm of the parts inbetween the soloing, but heres 
it is in a nutshell.




Interlude thingy with all the 0s



Interlude thingy.



Finish out with the chorus a few times, and then the outro is the same as in the intro.

I give all credit of the solo to the guy who first tabed this song, it just wasnt on the 
frets. Goodjob who ever you are :P
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