• Song:

    New Years In Sochi

  • Artist:

    The Fugitives

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New Year's in Sochi - The Fugitives

GDear (320003@1)Dmitry Isakov
CShrug (x32010@1)their sticks and stones off
G (320003@1)                            DLug (xx0232@1)your sign of life into the street
GHold (320003@1)it up like neon words
CHold (x32010@1)it up like bible verse
     G (320003@1)            D (xx0232@1)        GIt's (320003@1)truer than the stories we believe

G (320003@1)       C (x32010@1)          G (320003@1)         C (x32010@1)       And we'll all go to heaven at the end of the day
                   G (320003@1)       C (x32010@1)        G (320003@1)       And we'll all get to heaven either way

GPeople (320003@1)love to celebrate
       CTheir (x32010@1)life, their love, the laws of state
      G (320003@1)                               DThey (xx0232@1)paint it on the billboard of their heart
     GThey (320003@1)rule your body in its name
      CThey (x32010@1)leave your loves to call from caves 
     G (320003@1)            D (xx0232@1)          GThey (320003@1)drop you like anchor in the dark

G (320003@1)       C (x32010@1)          G (320003@1)         C (x32010@1)        But we'll all go to heaven at the end of the day
                   G (320003@1)       D (xx0232@1)           G (320003@1)       And we'll all go to heaven either way

G (320003@1)       C (x32010@1)          G (320003@1)         C (x32010@1)       And we'll all go to heaven at the end of the day
                   G (320003@1)       D (xx0232@1)           G (320003@1)       And we'll all go to heaven either way

- - (block chords) - -
          C (x32010@1)       DWhen (xx0232@1)the midnight chimes on the Kremlin
         C (x32010@1)       DAnd (xx0232@1)the fireworks rise - put a wish in your body
- - (pick up the strum) - -
        C (x32010@1)    DFor (xx0232@1)a million eyes, for the whole world watching
        C (x32010@1)    DFor (xx0232@1)the night alive, for the new year coming
        C (x32010@1)          DFor (xx0232@1)each baton that tells you no
        C (x32010@1)             DWe'll (xx0232@1)bring a plane to fire a rose
C (x32010@1)                    DLove (xx0232@1)bows down - not to beg, not to obey
        C (x32010@1)              DBut (xx0232@1)to rise     But to rise

- - (jubilant palm-muting goodness with shouting!) - -
        G (320003@1)       And we'll all go to heaven at the end of the day
        And we'll all go to heaven either way
        And we'll all go to heaven at the end of the day
                             D (xx0232@1)          G (320003@1)       And we'll all go to heaven either way
- - (slow it right down, picky block chords) - -             
                  G (320003@1)        C (x32010@1)          G (320003@1)        C (x32010@1)       And we'll all go to heaven at the end of the day
                   G (320003@1)        D (xx0232@1)         (G)           
        And we'll all go to heaven either way
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        var tab_info             = {
            'name': 'new years in sochi',
            'version': 1,
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            var acc_tuning           = "E A (x02220@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D G (320003@1)name="chord_x2444x@1">B E";
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