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Have[G] you heard about the big strong man,he lives in a cara[D]van,
Have you heard about the Jeffery Johnson fight,[D7]Oh what a hell of a[G] fight,
You[G] can take all the heavy weights you got,we got a lad who will beat the whole[D] lot,
He used to ring the bells in the bellfry,now he's going to fight Jack Dem[G]psey,
[G]Was my brother Sylvest,whats he got,a row of fourty medals on his[D] chest,big chest
He killed fifty bad men in the west,he knows no[G] rest,
Think of a man hells fire dont push just shove plenty of room for you and me,
He's got an arm like a leg,and a punch that would sink a battle[D] ship big ship,
It takes all the army and the navy,to put the wind up Syl[G]vest.
He thought he'd take a trip to Italy,he thought that he'd go by sea,
He jumped off the harbour in New Yory,he swam like a man made of cork,
He saw the Lusitania in distress,what he do,he put the Lusitania on his chest,
He drank all the water in the sea,then he walked all the way to Italy,
He thought he'd take a trip to old Japan,they turned out the whole brass band,
He played every instrument they got,like a lad sure he beat the whole lot,
Now the old church bells will ring,hells fire,the whole church choir will sing,
They all turned out to say farewell to my big brother Sylvest.
                                                        Can't play "Big Strong Man"? Improve your playing via easy step-by-step video lessons!
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            var acc_tuning           = "E A (x02220@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D G (320003@1)name="chord_x2444x@1">B E";
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