Artist:Oh Chentaku Title:Colours Tuning:Aku tak tau nama tune ni apa.Mula-mula tune jadi half step dulu lepas tu baru drop D.Masa nak drop D tu cuma adjust tali D# jadi C#. tabbed by deeplut visit my blog at C Today,I'm getting closer to you F5 To tell you that I missed you so much C The stars are here and the wave were coercive F5 These knuckles break before they bleed that I'm sure I tried not to drown in the water C F5 Forgive me for what I've done in the past Chorus C G5 This the day F5 This is our time to make it right ,from right back where we left it C G5 F5 This is afterlife,we longing for The colours of our chemistry C Curses were not from my heart F5 It shattered my eyes,I spoke of which I didnt realize I overreacted C F5 Shed no tears anymore A5 F5 G5 Knives mark will never be replaced A5 F5 G5 No,not in this lifetime A5 F5 G5 Breaking promises into pieces A5 F5 But I'm here to sweat myself pulling G5 Things back together A5 Heavens are thin F5 The speed of the heartbeats C G5 I would have kill myself if you let me do it A5 F5 C There's nowhere else to go G5 Other than you