D (xx0232@1) GI (320003@1)am out of business now I am out of business sayonara help Dsayonara (xx0232@1)adios GI (320003@1)am out of focus now, I am out of focus sayonara help Dsayonara (xx0232@1)adios D (xx0232@1) G (320003@1) Duoohh! (xx0232@1)uohhh! uoohh! uohhh! I am out of business now I am out of business sayonara help sayonara adios I am out of focus now, I am out of focus sayonara help sayonara adios uo0hhh! uoooh!! I am out of business now, I am out of bussines now I am out of focus now I am out of focus now uohhh! uoooh! gaston_perkins@hotmail.com .