Its a scottish song written phonetically just to confuse things DOh, (xx0232@1)I am a Dundee weaver A7 (x02020@1) DAnd (xx0232@1)I come frae bonnie Dundee I met a Glesca fella G (320003@1) A7An' (x02020@1)he came coortin' me DHe (xx0232@1)took me oot a walkin' G (320003@1) A7Doon (x02020@1)by the Kelvin Ha' G (320003@1) DAnd (xx0232@1)there the dirty wee rascal stole A7 (x02020@1) DMa (xx0232@1)thingamajig awa G (320003@1) DThere (xx0232@1)the dirty wee rascal stole A7 (x02020@1) DMa (xx0232@1)thingamajig awa He took me oot a walkin' Doon by the Rouken Glen He showed to me the bonnie wee birds And he showed me a bonnie wee hen He showed to me the bonnie wee birds Frae a Lynnett tae a Craw And he showed to me the bird that stole Ma thingamajig awa He showed to me the bird that stole Ma thingamajig awa Noo I'll gang back to Dundee Lookin bonny, young and fair I'll put on ma bucklin' shoes An' tie up ma bonnie blonde hair I'll put on ma corsets tight Tae mak my body look sma' And wha will ken wi ma rosy cheeks Ma thingamajig's awa And wha will ken wi ma rosy cheeks Ma thingamajig's awa Oh, all ye Dundee weavers Tak this advice frae me Never let a fella an inch above yer knee Never stand at the back o' a close Or up against the wa' For if ye dae, ye can safely say Yer thingamajig's awa For if ye dae, ye can safely say Yer thingamajig's awa