THIS SONG HAS BEEN TRANSPOSED INTO MANY KEYS AS LISTED BELOW I hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ... Garry Smythe Please e mail me with any corrections or suggestions to:- ______________________________________________________________________________ Perfect Fairground Attraction ______________________________________________________________________________ The original is played in the key of G VERSE 1 G D I don't want, half hearted love af - fairs G D I need some – one, who really cares. G Bm Life is too short, to play silly games G A D G A D I've promised my – self, I won't do that a - gain. CHORUS D7 G A D G D It's got to be eeeeeee perfect D7 G A D G D It's got to be eeeeeee worth it yeah. D7 G F# Too many people take second best Bm A G But I won't take anything less G A GGGGGG D It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. VERSE 2 G D Young hearts are foolish they make such mistakes G D They're much too eager to give their love away. G Bm Well I have been foolish too many times G A D G A D Now I'm de - termined I'm gonna get it right. CHORUS and OUTRO D7 G A D G D It's got to be eeeeeee perfect D7 G A D G D It's got to be eeeeeee worth it yeah. D7 G F# Too many people take second best Bm A G But I won't take anything less G A GGGGGG D It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. SOLO VERSE 3 G D Young hearts are foolish they make such mistakes G D They're much too eager to give their love away. G Bm Well I have been foolish too many times G A D G A D Now I'm de - termined I'm gonna get it right. CHORUS D7 G A D G D It's got to be eeeeeee perfect D7 G A D G D It's got to be eeeeeee worth it yeah. D7 G F# Too many people take second best Bm A G But I won't take anything less G A GGGGGG D It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. G A GGGGGG D It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. G A GGGGGG D It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX VERSE 1 A E I don't want, half hearted love af - fairs A E I need some – one, who really cares. A C#m Life is too short, to play silly games A B E A B E I've promised my – self, I won't do that a - gain. CHORUS E7 A B E A E It's got to be eeeeeee perfect E7 A B E A E It's got to be eeeeeee worth it yeah. E7 A G# Too many people take second best C#m B A But I won't take anything less A B AAAAAA E It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. VERSE 2 A E Young hearts are foolish they make such mistakes A E They're much too eager to give their love away. A C#m Well I have been foolish too many times A B E A B E Now I'm de - termined I'm gonna get it right. CHORUS and OUTRO E7 A B E A E It's got to be eeeeeee perfect E7 A B E A E It's got to be eeeeeee worth it yeah. E7 A G# Too many people take second best C#m B A But I won't take anything less A B AAAAAA E It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. SOLO VERSE 3 A E Young hearts are foolish they make such mistakes A E They're much too eager to give their love away. A C#m Well I have been foolish too many times A B E A B E Now I'm de - termined I'm gonna get it right. CHORUS E7 A B E A E It's got to be eeeeeee perfect E7 A B E A E It's got to be eeeeeee worth it yeah. E7 A G# Too many people take second best C#m B A But I won't take anything less A B AAAAAA E It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. A B AAAAAA E It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. A B AAAAAA E It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX VERSE 1 C G I don't want, half hearted love af - fairs C G I need some – one, who really cares. C Em Life is too short, to play silly games C D G C D G I've promised my – self, I won't do that a - gain. CHORUS G7 C D G C G It's got to be eeeeeee perfect G7 C D G C G It's got to be eeeeeee worth it yeah. G7 C B Too many people take second best Em D C But I won't take anything less C D CCCCCC G It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. VERSE 2 C G Young hearts are foolish they make such mistakes C G They're much too eager to give their love away. C Em Well I have been foolish too many times C D G C D G Now I'm de - termined I'm gonna get it right. CHORUS and OUTRO G7 C D G C G It's got to be eeeeeee perfect G7 C D G C G It's got to be eeeeeee worth it yeah. G7 C B Too many people take second best Em D C But I won't take anything less C D CCCCCC G It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. SOLO VERSE 3 C G Young hearts are foolish they make such mistakes C G They're much too eager to give their love away. C Em Well I have been foolish too many times C D G C D G Now I'm de - termined I'm gonna get it right. CHORUS G7 C D G C G It's got to be eeeeeee perfect G7 C D G C G It's got to be eeeeeee worth it yeah. G7 C B Too many people take second best Em D C But I won't take anything less C D CCCCCC G It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. C D CCCCCC G It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. C D CCCCCC G It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX VERSE 1 D A I don't want, half hearted love af - fairs D A I need some – one, who really cares. D F#m Life is too short, to play silly games D E A D E A I've promised my – self, I won't do that a - gain. CHORUS A7 D E A D A It's got to be eeeeeee perfect A7 D E A D A It's got to be eeeeeee worth it yeah. A7 D C# Too many people take second best F#m E D But I won't take anything less D E DDDDDD A It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. VERSE 2 D A Young hearts are foolish they make such mistakes D A They're much too eager to give their love away. D F#m Well I have been foolish too many times D E A D E A Now I'm de - termined I'm gonna get it right. CHORUS and OUTRO A7 D E A D A It's got to be eeeeeee perfect A7 D E A D A It's got to be eeeeeee worth it yeah. A7 D C# Too many people take second best F#m E D But I won't take anything less D E DDDDDD A It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. SOLO VERSE 3 D A Young hearts are foolish they make such mistakes D A They're much too eager to give their love away. D F#m Well I have been foolish too many times D E A D E A Now I'm de - termined I'm gonna get it right. CHORUS A7 D E A D A It's got to be eeeeeee perfect A7 D E A D A It's got to be eeeeeee worth it yeah. A7 D C# Too many people take second best F#m E D But I won't take anything less D E DDDDDD A It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. D E DDDDDD A It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. D E DDDDDD A It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX VERSE 1 E B I don't want, half hearted love af - fairs E B I need some – one, who really cares. E G#m Life is too short, to play silly games E F# B E F# B I've promised my – self, I won't do that a - gain. CHORUS B7 E F# B E B It's got to be eeeeeee perfect B7 E F# B E B It's got to be eeeeeee worth it yeah. B7 E D# Too many people take second best G#m F# E But I won't take anything less E F# EEEEEE B It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. VERSE 2 E B Young hearts are foolish they make such mistakes E B They're much too eager to give their love away. E G#m Well I have been foolish too many times E F# B E F# B Now I'm de - termined I'm gonna get it right. CHORUS and OUTRO B7 E F# B E B It's got to be eeeeeee perfect B7 E F# B E B It's got to be eeeeeee worth it yeah. B7 E D# Too many people take second best G#m F# E But I won't take anything less E F# EEEEEE B It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. SOLO VERSE 3 E B Young hearts are foolish they make such mistakes E B They're much too eager to give their love away. E G#m Well I have been foolish too many times E F# B E F# B Now I'm de - termined I'm gonna get it right. CHORUS B7 E F# B E B It's got to be eeeeeee perfect B7 E F# B E B It's got to be eeeeeee worth it yeah. B7 E D# Too many people take second best G#m F# E But I won't take anything less E F# EEEEEE B It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. E F# EEEEEE B It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. E F# EEEEEE B It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX VERSE 1 F C I don't want, half hearted love af - fairs F C I need some – one, who really cares. F Am Life is too short, to play silly games F G C F G C I've promised my – self, I won't do that a - gain. CHORUS C7 F G C F C It's got to be eeeeeee perfect C7 F G C F C It's got to be eeeeeee worth it yeah. C7 F E Too many people take second best Am G F But I won't take anything less F G FFFFFF C It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. VERSE 2 F C Young hearts are foolish they make such mistakes F C They're much too eager to give their love away. F Am Well I have been foolish too many times F G C F G C Now I'm de - termined I'm gonna get it right. CHORUS and OUTRO C7 F G C F C It's got to be eeeeeee perfect C7 F G C F C It's got to be eeeeeee worth it yeah. C7 F E Too many people take second best Am G F But I won't take anything less F G FFFFFF C It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. SOLO VERSE 3 F C Young hearts are foolish they make such mistakes F C They're much too eager to give their love away. F Am Well I have been foolish too many times F G C F G C Now I'm de - termined I'm gonna get it right. CHORUS C7 F G C F C It's got to be eeeeeee perfect C7 F G C F C It's got to be eeeeeee worth it yeah. C7 F E Too many people take second best Am G F But I won't take anything less F G FFFFFF C It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. F G FFFFFF C It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. F G FFFFFF C It's got to be, yeah, perrrr - fect. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX