ONE BAD SON Lie Awake Tabbed by Trevor Cox --------------------- Chords: B - x2444x A - x02220 E - 022100 INTRO B A E Riff before vocals kick in D|-----------|| A|-----------|| E|-0h4p0h2-0-|| B (x2444x@1) A (x02220@1) E (022100@1) B (x2444x@1) A (x02220@1) EI (022100@1)lie awake at night, think about the things I said and all that I've done B (x2444x@1) A (x02220@1) E (022100@1) A (x02220@1) EAbout (022100@1)the ways that I've cheated and failed at life, and how I never seem to get much done B (x2444x@1) A (x02220@1) E (022100@1) B (x2444x@1) A (x02220@1) ENow (022100@1)I walk around in the day sometimes, and I scream at the top of my lungs in my head B (x2444x@1) A (x02220@1) E (022100@1) A (x02220@1) EAnd (022100@1)I shoot my guns and I sing my songs, will you be there after I'm dead? CHORUS E|-------------------------------------------|| B|-------------------------------------------|| G|-----------------------------9-------9-7---|| D|-9-9-9-9-9--9-9-x-x-9-9--x-x-9---x-x-9-7-2-|| A|-9-9-9-9-9--9-9-x-x-9-9--x-x-7---x-x-7-5-0-|| E|-7p0-7p0-7--0-7-x-x-7-7--x-x-0---x-x-0-----|| X 2 E|--------------------------------------------|| B|--------------------------------------------|| G|-----------------------------9-9------9-9---|| D|-9-9-9-9-9--9-9-x-x-9-9--x-x-9-9--x-x-9-9---|| A|-9-9-9-9-9--9-9-x-x-9-9--x-x-7-7--x-x-7-72-|| E|-7p0-7p0-7--0-7-x-x-7-7--x-x-0-0--x-x-0-0-|| E|-------------------------------0-|| B|-10-10-10-10-9--9---7-7-7-5----0-|| G|-x--x--x--x--x--x---x-x-x-x----1-|| D|-7--7--7--7--6--6---4-4-4-2----2-|| A|-0--0--0--0--0--0---0-0-0-0----2-|| E|-------------------------------0-|| Solo before 2nd verse E|----------------------------------------------------|| B|----------------------------------------------------|| G|-------11-------------------------------------------|| D|-11/13----9--------------9--11b12-9-----------------|| A|--------------9/11--9-11------------9h11----5-5-5-3-|| E|----------------------------------------------------|| VERSE 2 B (x2444x@1) E (022100@1) D (xx0232@1) B (x2444x@1) EI (022100@1)like the way that you want me, but I know you should be out on your own D (xx0232@1) B (x2444x@1) E (022100@1) A (x02220@1) EAnd (022100@1)I know that you like to be lonely, don't you baby, don't you baby, yeah B (x2444x@1) A (x02220@1) E (022100@1) B (x2444x@1) A (x02220@1) EI (022100@1)fall asleep at night dream that I'm awake and I dream some more after I'm done B (x2444x@1) A (x02220@1) E (022100@1) A (x02220@1) EAbout (022100@1)the things I've seen and what they mean, and how they never mean nothin' at all B (x2444x@1) A (x02220@1) E (022100@1) B (x2444x@1) A (x02220@1) ENow (022100@1)I run around in the streets and I think that I have never been nowhere at all B (x2444x@1) A (x02220@1) EBut (022100@1)I still shoot my guns and sing my songs A (x02220@1) E (022100@1) Will you be there after I fall, afterall CHORUS E|-------------------------------------------|| B|-------------------------------------------|| G|-----------------------------9-------9-7---|| D|-9-9-9-9-9--9-9-x-x-9-9--x-x-9---x-x-9-7-2-|| A|-9-9-9-9-9--9-9-x-x-9-9--x-x-7---x-x-7-5-0-|| E|-7p0-7p0-7--0-7-x-x-7-7--x-x-0---x-x-0-----|| X 2 E|--------------------------------------------|| B|--------------------------------------------|| G|-----------------------------9-9------9-9---|| D|-9-9-9-9-9--9-9-x-x-9-9--x-x-9-9--x-x-9-9---|| A|-9-9-9-9-9--9-9-x-x-9-9--x-x-7-7--x-x-7-72-|| E|-7p0-7p0-7--0-7-x-x-7-7--x-x-0-0--x-x-0-0-|| E|-------------------------------0-|| B|-10-10-10-10-9--9---7-7-7-5----0-|| G|-x--x--x--x--x--x---x-x-x-x----1-|| D|-7--7--7--7--6--6---4-4-4-2----2-|| A|-0--0--0--0--0--0---0-0-0-0----2-|| E|-------------------------------0-|| B (x2444x@1) E (022100@1) D (xx0232@1) B (x2444x@1) EI (022100@1)like the way that you want me, but I know you should be out on your own D (xx0232@1) B (x2444x@1) E (022100@1) A (x02220@1) EAnd (022100@1)I know that you like to be lonely, don't you baby, don't you baby, oh yeah SOLO B (x2444x@1)A (x02220@1)E (022100@1)E|----------------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------(12)-----------| G|----------------/10~---9h10-10~-----10-9-10-7-| D|----9p8---9p8---------------------------------| A|-/9-----9-----9-------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------12--12-14p12--16p12--14p12-9/12-12-| B|-----------------------10/12---12--------12-----12--------------| G|----------------/10~--------------------------------------------| D|----9p8---9p8---------------------------------------------------| A|-/9-----9-----9-------------------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------------------------------| E|-12b14-12b14-12b14rp12--12-12b14-12----------------------------------| B|----------------------12-------------/14-12--------------------------| G|--------------------------------------------13-11-13-11-11b12r11~----| D|------------------------------------------------------------------14-| A|---------------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------| Heavy Wah on this part E|--9--9--9--9-7-7-7-7-5-5-5-4--------------16h17p16--16h17p16--16h17p16--16h17/19--19/16--16/-| B|-10-10-10-10-9-9-9-9-7-7-7-5--/17--17b19----------17--------17--------17---------------------| G|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| D|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| CHORUS x 2 B (x2444x@1) E (022100@1) D (xx0232@1) B (x2444x@1) EI (022100@1)like the way that you want me, but I know you should be out on your own B (x2444x@1) E (022100@1) AAnd (x02220@1)I know that you like to be lonely, don't you baby B (x2444x@1) E (022100@1) D (xx0232@1) B (x2444x@1) EI (022100@1)like the way that you want me, but I know you should be out on your own B (x2444x@1) E (022100@1) A (x02220@1) A (x02220@1) EAnd (022100@1)I know that you like to be lonely, don't you baby, don't you baby, yeahhhhhh! 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