D (xx0232@1) They told me to unload my problems, A (x02220@1)get them out of my head, Emto (022000@1)the people in graveyards, G (320003@1)cause I can't bore them to death. DCause (xx0232@1)you're rhetorically brilliant, Ait's (x02220@1)sufficient at best, Emand (022000@1)your words can paint a picture, G (320003@1)and they've made quite a mess. DThe (xx0232@1)people around you, Athey'll (x02220@1)all be gone soon- Emand (022000@1)it will be worth it, Geverything (320003@1)you went through. D (xx0232@1)It's so superficial, Ait (x02220@1)doesn't matter at all- Emgive (022000@1)in, and get over it, G (320003@1)you'll thrive and you'll fall. (Same throughout entire song btw) Yeah I've started lots of fires, yeah I've set some things ablaze, and the only things left to exstinguish- are all these poetic flames. This hometown hero's burning, it's getting too hot to think, and the only hose aimed to save this town, ran dry with alarming speed. The people around you, they'll all be gone soon- and it will be worth it, everything you went through. It's so superficial, it doesn't matter at all- give in, and get over it, you'll thrive and you'll fall. The people around you, they'll all be gone soon- and it will be worth it, everything you went through. It's so superficial, it doesn't matter at all- give in, and get over it, you'll thrive and you'll fall. Learn to play "Late Nite Reading" with online video lessons UG plus: remove banner comments We did not receive enough feedback on this tab! Please rate: print report bad tab 1 2 3 4 5 I want to post comment or correction [tab] guest You may want to rate the tab now too: select rating Please do not post tabs as comments. Select "correction" instead! var current_rating = 0; var current_rating_count = 0; var tabid = 1418762; var ug_serv = ".ultimate-guitar.com"; var tabs_user_id = 0; var transpose_to = 0; var has_ad_free = '0'; var instr = 'guitar'; var applicature = {"D":[{"l":[],"x":2,"n":[54,50,45,38,-1,-1],"t":[2,3,2,0,-1,-1],"g":[2,3,1,0,0,0],"f":0}],"A":[{"l":[],"x":9,"n":[52,49,45,40,33,-1],"t":[0,2,2,2,0,-1],"g":[0,3,2,1,0,0],"f":0}],"Em":[{"l":[],"x":4,"n":[52,47,43,40,35,28],"t":[0,0,0,2,2,0],"g":[0,0,0,2,1,0],"f":0}],"G":[{"l":[],"x":7,"n":[55,47,43,38,35,31],"t":[3,0,0,0,2,3],"g":[3,0,0,0,1,2],"f":0}]}; var acc_tuning = "E AD GB E"; var appl_api_version = 3; var ga_preffix = 'Text tabs '; $('.etp_banner .close_etp').click(function(){ $(this).parents('.etp_banner').css('height', 0).removeClass('open'); return false; }); $('.etp_banner .buybtn').click(function(){ $('.etp_banner').css('height', 0).removeClass('open'); }); © 2013 Ultimate-Guitar.com or its affiliates. All rights reserved     About | Help | Site Map | Link To Us | TOS | Privacy Policy | Advertise | Contact var artist_id = 31374; var name_art = 'late nite reading'; var main_server_name = 'ultimate-guitar.com'; var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-9160560-1']); _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '.ultimate-guitar.com']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? "https://sb" : "http://b") + ".scorecardresearch.com/beacon.js' %3E%3C/script%3E")); COMSCORE.beacon({ c1:2, c2:6745264, c3:"", c4:document.location, c5:"", c6:"", c15:"" }); (function (d, w, c) { (w[c] = w[c] || []).push(function() { try { w.yaCounter18746557 = new Ya.Metrika({id:18746557, webvisor:true, clickmap:true, trackLinks:true, accurateTrackBounce:true}); } catch(e) { } }); var n = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0], s = d.createElement("script"), f = function () { n.parentNode.insertBefore(s, n); }; s.type = "text/javascript"; s.async = true; s.src = (d.location.protocol == "https:" ? "https:" : "http:") + "//mc.yandex.ru/metrika/watch.js"; if (w.opera == "[object Opera]") { d.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", f, false); } else { f(); } })(document, window, "yandex_metrika_callbacks"); . $(document).ready(function(){abd_event()});function abd_event(){0==$(".yahooAd").height()?_gaq.push(["_trackEvent","AdBlock","AdBlock detection test","With AdBlock"]):_gaq.push(["_trackEvent","AdBlock","AdBlock detection test","Without AdBlock"])};