I'll be Okay by Allison Weiss Got the chords from this video– http://youtu.be/uj_gE–NYqU8 I'm pretty sure all the fingerings are right, but you might want to look at the video just to be sure. Drop D Capo on 2nd fret Chords: I'm not sure the names to the chords, just go with it. A E/F# B Asus e|–––|–––|–––|–––| B|–2–|–––|–––|–3–| G|–2–|–1–|–2–|–2–| D|–2–|–2–|–4–|–––| A|–––|–2–|–4–|–––| D|–––|–2–|–4–|–––| Intro: A E/F# B Asus}