Chords done by ear, please enjoy! Love this song on their new(ish) album Word of Mouth! If you need easier chords, please use Am, F, G, Dm (verse) and C, F, Am, G (chorus) but the chords below are for the track. G#m (133111@4) She was staring out the window E (022100@1) And the snow, it was falling F# (244322@1) Seemed like everything I used to know C#m (x13321@4) It was crumbling G#m (133111@4) E (022100@1) She cannot cope and it hurts inside her mind F# (244322@1) (C#m) Couldn't let it go, let it go G#m (133111@4) E (022100@1) Couldn't bear to ever be alone F# (244322@1) C#m (x13321@4) She wondered how this had happened B (x2444x@1) E (022100@1) G#mHe (133111@4)gave you up and then he let you down F# (244322@1) BAnd (x2444x@1)all the trust is broken now E (022100@1) G#mCan't (133111@4)remember how it used to be F#Doesn't (244322@1)have to be a heartbreak story B (x2444x@1) E (022100@1) G#mJust (133111@4)say you'll let me in your heart F# (244322@1) BI (x2444x@1)should've been there from the start E (022100@1) G#mI (133111@4)promise you as long as you're with me F#There'll (244322@1)never be heartbreak story G#m (133111@4) Girl, there is no need to hide away E (022100@1) What's done is done now F# (244322@1) Tangled up, you and I lay C#m (x13321@4) Here together as one now G#m (133111@4) E (022100@1) I'll surround you and keep you safe F# (244322@1) Everyday, everyday G#m (133111@4) E (022100@1) I know you never like to be alone F# (244322@1) (C#m) And now you don't have to B (x2444x@1) E (022100@1) G#mHe (133111@4)gave you up and then he let you down F# (244322@1) BAnd (x2444x@1)all the trust is broken now E (022100@1) G#mCan't (133111@4)remember how it used to be F#Doesn't (244322@1)have to be a heartbreak story B (x2444x@1) E (022100@1) G#mJust (133111@4)say you'll let me in your heart F# (244322@1) BI (x2444x@1)should've been there from the start E (022100@1) G#mI (133111@4)promise you as long as you're with me F#There'll (244322@1)never be heartbreak story G#m (133111@4) E (022100@1) F# (244322@1) G#m (133111@4) E (022100@1) F# (244322@1) Oh, there'll never be heartbreak story B (x2444x@1) E (022100@1) G#mHe (133111@4)gave you up and then he let you down F# (244322@1) BAnd (x2444x@1)all the trust is broken now E (022100@1) G#mCan't (133111@4)remember how it used to be F#Doesn't (244322@1)have to be a heartbreak story B (x2444x@1) E (022100@1) G#mJust (133111@4)say you'll let me in your heart F# (244322@1) BI (x2444x@1)should've been there from the start E (022100@1) G#mI (133111@4)promise you as long as you're with me F#There'll (244322@1)never be heartbreak story B (x2444x@1) E (022100@1) G#mI (133111@4)promise you as long as you're with me F# (244322@1) BThere'll (x2444x@1)never be heartbreak story Learn to play "The Wanted" with online video lessons UG plus: remove banner comments We did not receive enough feedback on this tab! 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