Haven't found any tabs for this cool Keith solo song, so here it is: There's a couple of main riffs in this song, if your'e familiar with Keith they shouldn't be hard. Intro: -0-2-0-2-----------2-2-0-0-5-5-0-0-5-5-0-0----------------------------------| -0-2-0-2-----------2-2-0-0-5-5-0-0-5-5-0-0----------------------------------| -0-2-0-2-----------2-2-0-0-5-5-0-0-5-5-0-0----------------------------------| -0-2-0-2-2(M)-2(M)-2-2-0-0-5-5-0-0-5-5-0-0----------------------------------| -0-2-0-2-2(M)-2(M)-2-2-0-0-5-5-0-0-5-5-0-0----------------------------------| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Verse: -0-2-0-2-----------2-2-0-0-5-5-0-0-7-7-5-0----------------------------------| -0-2-0-2-----------2-2-0-0-5-5-0-0-7-7-5-0----------------------------------| -0-2-0-2-----------2-2-0-0-5-5-0-0-7-7-5-0----------------------------------| -0-2-0-2-2(M)-2(M)-2-2-0-0-5-5-0-0-7-7-5-0----------------------------------| -0-2-0-2-2(M)-2(M)-2-2-0-0-5-5-0-0-7-7-5-0----------------------------------| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Bridge: The chorus is just a D barre chord (7th fret for those of you who don't know open G), to a C(5th fret), A(2nd), and back to G It's just as wicked as it seems Just run out of dreams Better of two evils, babe It's one time too much Baby, how can I say What's in my heart, what's in my heart?" Come a long way, well since you beat it up (Beat it up, beat it up) As wicked as it seems, yeah (Why don`t you get, get all over me?) (Why don`t you get, get all over me?) Just a two way street But now it goes one way And now for me there's no way out (No way out) One time ("Why don't you get, get all over me?") As wicked as it seems It's playtime, but it's far too late It's gonna too hard on (Hard on, hard on it) What you gonna give (It's not enough, not enough for me) So I soften the blow So the bruises don't show I`ve got the expertise No broken necks No broken hearts Well, we used your deck All I did was play the cards (And now the check) Now I find it's not enough It's not enough for me Now you want to give It's not enough It's not enough for me As wicked as it seems Why don't you get, get all over me? One time Why don't you get, get all over me? Why don't you get? It's easy gettin' in Why don't you get, get all over me? But it's a hard way out babe Why don't you get, get all over me? Why don't you get, get all over me? Why don't you get? Why don't you get, get all over me? Why don't you get, get all over me? Why don't you get Tabs too difficult? Try these easy step-by-step video lessons and learn fast! UG plus: remove banner comments We did not receive enough feedback on this tab! Please rate: print report bad tab 1 2 3 4 5 I want to post comment or correction [tab] guest You may want to rate the tab now too: select rating Please do not post tabs as comments. 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