RENO 911 THEME Guitars Tuned to Eb (Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb) As you may have noticed, I took the time to include the note lengths. Drums begin song with snare roll. Guitar 1: E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E |-----------------|-----------------| |o----------------|----------------o| |-----------------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------| |o----------------|-----------3----o| |-5-5-5-3-5-5-5-3-|-5-5-5-3-5---5-3-| This line is played throughout song, with bass playing the same thing. After the first two times the above line is played, Guitar 2 (w/ slide) comes in with this: +H. Q H +H Q. Q. Q W |-----------x/|=17--(17)\---|--------------|-----------| |o----------x/|=17--(17)\---|--------------|----------o| |-(14)------x/|=17--(17)\---|------12-(12)/|=14--------|Play 3 times |-(14)--------|-------------|-12-------12-/|=14--------| |o------------|-------------|--------------|----------o| |-------------|-------------|--------------|-----------| NOTE: The 2nd time, do not let the twelfth fret(G) of G string ring or slide to Fourteenth fret(A) of G string. Q. Q. Q Q. Q. Q W +W |-----------------|-----------------|--------|---------| |-10----12----13--|-15----13----12--|-10-----|-(10)----| |-----------------|-----------------|--------|---------| |-7-----9-----10--|-12----10----9---|-7------|-(7)-----| |-----------------|-----------------|--------|---------| |-----------------|-----------------|--------|---------| This next line is actually a small choir, but I thought I would include it. Q. Q. Q Q. Q. Q Q. Q. Q Q. Q. Q W +W |-------------|--------------|------------|------------|------|--------| |-------------|--------------|------------|------------|------|--------| |-------------|--------------|------------|------------|------|--------| |-7---9---10--|-12---10---9--|-7---9---7--|-5---2---5--|-5----|-(5)----| |-------------|--------------|------------|------------|------|--------| |-5---7---8---|-10---8----7--|-5---7---5--|-3---0---3--|-3----|-(3)----| Very last line, which starts on the last measure of the above line: E E E E E E E E W aaaW +W |---------------------|------|-----5---|-(5)------*|| |---------------------|------|----5----|-(5)------*|| |---------------------|------|---5-----|-(5)------*|| |---------------------|------|--7------|-(7)------*|| |---------------------|------|--*------|-(0)------*|| |-12\10-10\8-8\7-7\5\-|-0----|---------|----------*|| *=Flutter(a.k.a. Strum chord slightly slower than you would normally) NOTE: That low A ringing into the last measure is a reaction note. Meaning that because you played another A, the vibrations of it caused the lower A to vibrate as well.