Tie me kangaroo down, sport - Rolf Harris Somthin else 4 the kiddies! umbreo Chorus: D G Tie me kangaroo down, sport, A D Tie me kangaroo down. D G Tie me kangaroo down, sport, A D Tie me kangaroo down. Verse 1: D G A D Watch me wallabies feed mate, watch me wallabies feed. D G A D Hey look there a dangerous breed mate, so watch me wallabies feed. “All together now” CHORUS Verse 2: D G A D Keep me cockatoo cool Curl, keep me cockatoo cool. D G A D Don’t go acting the fool Curl, just keep me cockatoo cool. “All together now” CHORUS Verse 3: D G A D Take me koala back Jack, take me Koala back. D G A D He lives somewhere out on the track Mac, so take me Koala back. “All together now” CHORUS Verse 4: D G A D Mind me Platypus duck bill, mind me Platypus Duck. D G A D Don’t let him go runnin’ a muck bill, just mind me Platypus duck. CHORUS