This is the 2nd guitar part from "The Answer" by "Shane and Shane". This tab was made by buddy "Albert K." and was edited by me, "Eric Chang." If you would like to hear this part played, please visit the following website : also, the chords may seem to be "incorrect", but the way the chords are tabbed are the that they are to be played for this particular song. Notes : The song will be broken up into 3 parts (verse, bridge, chorus) like how I it. The accompaniment part is on the 4th capo, and you'll be playing chords in C major. It consists of variations of: C, F, Am, G, and one odd-ball chord that I dont know the name of. Verse: All finger picking-- if you pick it exactly the number of times its written, you be spot on. After that, just repeat the 4 chord sections as many as they do (i think in one verse) Anyways.... without further delay.......... "The Answer" ENJOY! 1st chord is variation of Am e-----------------| B-------------1---| G--2-2------h2----| D--2-2----h2------| A--0-0---0--------| E-----------------| Next is G Variation e-----------------| B--0-0---1-3-3--5-|