Deftones Good Morning Beautiful Tuning: G# C# F# B Eb g# This is a six string tab for this song, which is played by stephen on a detuned seven string, but this is as close as its gonna get if you don't have a 7. strumming patterns not given, you should be able to figure it out. Intro -0- -3- -2- -0- --- --- Verse --------0- --------3- -11-11--2- -9--9---0- ----10---- ---------- Chorus (you should wake up....) ----------------------0-- ----1-----1-----1-----3-- ----2-----2-----2-----2-- -3--2--3--2--3--2--3--0-- -3--0--3--0--3--0--3----- -1-----1-----1-----1----- bridge --0--0--0--0--0--0--0-- --x--10-x--10-x--10-3-- --5--9--5--9--5--9--2-- --5--9--5--9--5--9--0-- --3--7--3--7--3--7----- -----------------------