"Cedartown georgia" Waylon Jennings E I got a gal in cedartown georgia use to have to walk nearly three miles to court A B7 her she never had much just a sharecroppers daughter so i married her and took her E down to new orleans bought a little house in south french quarters E i got a job that pays locamotive steamboat i give her seven days pay next day im A B7 broke and she aint sleepin all day she's a primpin every evening when the sun goes E down she starts squalin on norlean town E walkin to work this morning at day break caught her with a tall blonde dandy from A B7 new king bay she walked right by me and she looked right thru me so i made up my E mind what im a gonna do ease in a pawn shop and bought a 22 E watch as room clerk gave them room key standing outside i could read room 23 A B7 tonight i'll put her on a train for georgia theres gonna be alot of kinfolk E squallin and a greevin cause that cedadtown gal aint breathin. Tabed by Kody Figg A.K.A. Highwayman