I Miss You (Live Version) Blink 182 Tabbed by: Blair Burnett (Blair 182) E-mail: Blair57@hotmail.com Standard Tuning Capo on 2nd fret. --*everything relative to capo* so the 3rd fret now becomes 1..get it:P. GOOD! - slide down / - slide up x - muted string ~ - let ring d - downstrum u - upstrum Intro Bass Line (without capo).. u know the deal without it..ecept there's no slide then.. cuz it'd be 055, and so on... so if u want to add it ur guitar, it sounds good if u can get it all rite, cuz it goes bass, then guitar.. Listen to the song an' u'll see what i mean. G--------------------------- D--------------------------- A--------------------------- E-277---266---244---266- Guitar..stumming shown below E---------------- B---------------- G---------------- D--77711 11 11-- --on the 4th time slide back to 7 without strumming. repeat twice for intro. A--xxxx x x--- x E--5559 9 9--- 5 dud u d u Tom cheaps it up during the first verse.. u can play this, or play like the intro. E-------------------- B-------------------- G--------------------don't let G, B, or high E make a sound! D-11 11 11-11 11 11-- A-0 0 0 -x x x -- E-0 0 0 -9 9 9 -- d u d u d u After Verse: music break Let Ring and bend, tom does some weird ***, an' mark is playin a sweet bass part E--- B--- G--- D-7 7 A-x Bend, let ring... pick scrape, then x again, let ring E-5 5 D-7 After last "i miss u, i miss u" there's a distortion change, and tom plays A-7 E-5 Verse 2 Tom plays this: All downstrumming.. listen to hear how the rythym goes. First stum is quiet, second is louder. In another live version Tom plays these chords 4 times instead of 8. E--------------------------------------- B--------------------------------------- G--------------------------------------- play 4 times D-77777777-66666666-44444444-66666666--- A-77777777-77777777-xxxxxxxx-77777777--- E-55555555-44444444-22222222-44444444--- Then play chorus twice (tab below) InTeRLuDe!- i know this is rite, cuz they zoomed in on his hand when he was playin' it. Phaser effect used. E---------------------------------------- B---------------------------------------- G---9~--------9~--------9~--------9~----- Play Twice D-7~------7/6~------67~------79~------- A---------------------------------------- E---------------------------------------- Now the FuN part!.. Chorus/Outro I've checked over and over, and I am 100% sure this is the RIGHT way to play it! The Stumming varies, i know that, u'll get it when u listen to the song a few times. E----------------------------------------------------------------------------- B----------------------------------------------------------------------------- G----------------------------------------------------------------------------- D-7-7-77--7-77-7-7--7-7-77--7-77-7-7--4-4-44--6-66-6-6--7-7-77-77-7-7-77-77--- A-7-7-77--x-xx-x-x--4-4-44--7-77-7-7--x-x-xx--x-xx-x-x--x-x-xx-xx-x-x-xx-xx--- E-5-5-55--7-77-7-7--0-0-00--0-00-0-0--2-2-22--4-44-4-4--5-5-55-55-5-5-55-55--- Tom Ends the song live with a Fuzz/Phazer distortion that sounds awesome, an' he has a few ways of playin' an ending.. a quick way is this... E----------------------------------------------------- B----------------------------------------------------- G----------------------------------------------------- D-7---7---7---77--7---7---7---77--------------------7~ A-x---x---x---xx--x---x---x---xx-------------End on x~ E-5---5---5---55--7---7---7---77slide to 9~--------5~ (don't pick 9, just slide to it and let it ring for a sec, do it rite, it sounds pretty kool. That's it.. Enjoy!.. please Rate this Tab;) Blink Rocks~!