Learn to drum lesson one - timing and notes Timming is the most important part of drumming. As a drummer you need to learn to keep count and timing so that your speed is constant. this is because you are the base of all the other music and they rely on you for timing. To count the first three notes that i teach you, you say '1 2 3 4'. each number counts as a beat. All the beats bellow can be practiced on any drum/cymbal but i use the snare drum, that way you can here them better. A whole note is always one beat per bar. You hit the snare drum on every 'o' in the below example, which is always on the fisrt beat of the bar. S|o-------|o-------|--------|o-------| S|--------|o-------|--------|o-------| The next note that you need to learn is the half note. This allows you two beats per per bar. these are on the first and the third beat. S|o---o---|----o---|o-------|o---o---| S|o-------|----o---|----o---|o-------| the third note is a Quater note. This is the fastest note that you need in beginer drumming because you can hit the snmare drum one beat 1, 2, 3 and 4. practice the following example until its perfect. S|o-o-o-o-|o-o-o---|o---o---|o-o-o---| S|--o-o-o-|--o---o-|--o---o-|o-o-o---| Here is another exersise for you to practice playing. This is a full of the prvious notes that i have shown you. S|o-------|o---o---|o-o-o-o-|o---o---| S|----o-o-|o-o---o-|--o---o-|--o-o---| now come the harder beats. the first is an eigth note. this is counted by saying '1+2+3+4+'. the numbers are said the same speed as before, but adding 'and' in between them. Practice this over and over again as this is used for the more lively and faster drum rythems. S|oooooooo|oooooooo|oooooooo|oooooooo| Now you will learn to play triplets. this is twelve beats in a bar. you count them like this: '1+a2+a3+a4+a'. this is the hardest note to play as it has a difficult timing. This one will require the most practice. S|oooooooooooo|oooooooooooo| 1+a2+a3+a4+a 1+a2+a3+a4+a the final note i will teach you is the sixteenth. yes thats 16 beats per bar. its conted '1e+a2e+a3e+a4e+a'. In this one you need to use both hands. So if your a left handed drummer you'll be going: LRLR ect. If your right handed (like me) its RLRL. RLRLRLRLRLRLRLRL RLRLRLRLRLRLRLRL S|oooooooooooooooo|oooooooooooooooo| or LRLRLRLRLRLRLRLR LRLRLRLRLRLRLRLR S|oooooooooooooooo|oooooooooooooooo| and thats the first lesson on how to drum completed. The next lesson is Co-ordination.