FTH80:G D A E ; Generated by Fast Tab, do not erase ==================== From : THE TRUSSMAN Artist : FOO FIGHTERS Bass Performance: Comments: : thats pretty much it just figure out the time and the order *PEACE* brentandbonnie@att.net --- Strings: E ,A ,D ,G Symbols explanations: H: hammer on P: pull off +: slap .: pop : slide up /: slide down --x~~x~~x: triplets ==================== G D A 5 3 517/5 55 17/ 55 315/3 3 17/5 55 17/5515/33 3 E 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 | G 7 7 D 5h7 5h7 A 777 555 777 555 55 55 33 55555 E 5 3 555 333 555 333 5/35 5/35 33 .