Key: c=crash f=flam (hit with both sticks at the same time) hh=hi-hat r= drum roll s=snare st=small tom mt=mid tom b=bass drum Intro c-x-----------------!----------------- hh--x-x-x-x-x-x-x---!x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-- s-----o-------o-----!----o-------o-o-- X4 b-oo-o-o-o--oo-o-o--!oo-o-o-o--oo-o-o- fill s-ff-oo ft------oo verse intro again X6 then last time before chorus play: c--x---------------!----------------- hh---x-x-x-x-x-x-x-!x-x-x-x-x-x--x--- s------o-------o---!----o------------ ft-----------------!-------------o-o- b--oo-o-o-o--oo-o-o!oo-o-o-o--oo--o-o chorus c-x-------------- s---ff------ff--- ft------oo------- Play around X6 st------oo------- b--oo-oo--oo--oo- guitar fill s-oo-oo- ft------o b---o--oo Then play the verse, fill 1, chorus then after the fill play this getting faster and faster s--o-----o----o---o--o-oooooooooooooo-r ft-o-----o----o---o--o-oooooooooooooo-- then play the verse with determination and thats it its a hard peice to play but it only takes practise. good look!