Artist: Gwen Stefani Title: Cool Album: Love Angel Music Baby Written By Gwen Stefani Tabbed By BurningPiano ~: vibrato /: slide up : slide down Awesome off the new album! check it out..... Intro/Verse: (rhythm) palm muted G] -7777777777777777--------------------- D] -7777777777777777-55555555-77777777--- A] -5555555555555555-55555555-77777777--- E] ------------------33333333-55555555--- Intro: (lead) E] -17-21-22-17--17-21-22-17---- B] ----------------------------- Intro: (synth) B] -----5~-----5~--------------- G] -6-7----6-7----4~2~/4~~~---- Chorus: part 1 G] -------------------7777777777777777--- D] -55555555-77777777-7777777777777777--- A] -55555555-77777777-5555555555555555--- E] -33333333-55555555-------------------- Chorus: part 2 G] ---------------- D] -55555555-7----- A] -55555555-7----- E] -33333333-5----- Song Structure: Intro rhythm,lead,synth x 2 Verse x 2 Chorus part 1 x 2 Chorus part 2 Intro rhythm,lead,synth Verse x 2 Chorus part 1 x 2 Chorus part 2 Intro rhythm,lead,synth x 2 Chorus part 1 x 2 Chorus part 2 Verse x 2 Intro rhythm,lead,synth to fade