(This Is The 2 Guitar Version) Title: Atari Artist: Lucky Boys Confusion Album: Commitment Tuning: Standard (eBGDAE) Tabbed By: M.E.S. White Sox 3 (meswhitesox3@wideopenwest.com) I hope everyone enjoys this tab of this killer song! Go LBC! Go buy their CDs, and go to their concerts, they rock! Lead: Guitar 1 Rhythm: Guitar 2 Key: x = Mute scratch (mute string with left/fret hand and strum!) . = Palm mute the note/fret if a . is under it m = mute note quickly with fret hands ~ = hold note / let ring / = slide INTRO - Distortion w/ High Tone (Guitar 1) e|------------------------------| B|------------------------------| G|---1010-7-7-55xx--1010-7-7xxx5| D|-8-1010-7-7-55xx8-1010-7-7xxx5| A|-8-8 8--5-5-33xx8-8 8--5-5xxx3| E|-6--------------6-------------| INTRO 2 - Distortion (Guitar 2) (Play this after Guitar 1s intro) e|-----------------| |-----------| B|-----------------| |-----------| G|----1010-7-7-55-5| |-10-----7--| D|-8--1010-7-7-55-5| X 4 then: |-10--8--7--| A|-8--8 8 -5-5-33-3| |-8 --8--5--| E|-6---------------| |-----6-----| INTRO 2 - Distortion (Guitar 1) (Play this after Guitar 1s intro) e|-13-----------------------------------| B|---11-10-10--11-10-10--11-1010--------| G|-------------------------------12-10--| D|--------------------------------------| A|--------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------| (Same as before with different ending) e|-13-----------------------------------| B|---11-10-10--11-10-10--11-1010--------| G|-------------------------------12-10-9| D|--------------------------------------| A|--------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------| (Same as first) e|-13-----------------------------------| B|---11-10-10--11-10-10--11-1010--------| G|-------------------------------12-10--| D|--------------------------------------| A|--------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------| (Played in sync with Guitar 2) e|-13------12--| B|-----13------| G|-------------| D|-------------| A|-------------| E|-------------| VERSE - Distortion (Guitar 2) (Palm mute, palm mute, release) e|--------------------| B|--------------------| G|-----101010-777-555-| D|-888-101010-777-555-| X 3 A|-888-8 8 8 -555-333-| E|-666----------------| .. . . .. .. e|--------------------| B|--------------------| G|-----101010-777-557-| D|-888-101010-777-557-| A|-888-8 8 8 -555-335-| E|-666----------------| .. . . .. .. e|--------------------| B|--------------------| G|-----101010-777-5575| D|-888-101010-777-5575| A|-888-8 8 8 -555-3353| E|-666----------------| .. . . .. .. e|--------------------| B|--------------------| G|-----101010-777-5557| D|-888-101010-777-5557| A|-888-8 8 8 -555-3335| E|-666----------------| .. . . .. .. (No palm mute:) e|-----------------| B|-----------------| G|-10-1010---7-777-| D|-10-10108887-777-| A|-8 -8 8 8885-555-| E|--------666------| CHORUS INTRO - Distortion (Guitar 2) (Immediately after Verse) (Heavely palm muted) e|-------| B|-------| G|-------| D|-33-33-| A|-33-33-| E|-11-11-| .. .. CHORUS - Distortion (Guitar 2) (Same rhythm as Intro) e|--------------| |----------| B|--------------| |----------| G|-3----7-7-55-5| |-3-----5--| D|-3-33-7-7-55-5| X 3 then: |-3--3--5--| A|-1-33-5-5-33-3| |-1--3--3--| E|---11---------| |----1-----| VERSE 2 - Guitar 2 (w/ partial 1) (Guitar 1 accents notes on third time) (A under a note means Lead plays it too [3rd time only]) (m means mute quickly) e|--------------------| B|--------------------| G|-----101010-777-555-| D|-888-101010-777-555-| X 3 A|-888-8 8 8 -555-333-| E|-666m------m---m---m| ..A . . A ..A ..A (No palm mute:) e|----------------| B|----------------| G|-----------7-777| D|-101010-8887-777| A|-101010-8885-555| E|-8 8 8 -666-----| CHORUS INTRO CHORUS X 2 SOLO BRIDGE - Distortion (Guitar 1) (Weird stuff before this... listen for it) (m means mute quick again) (Last part: hold 5 for a bit, slide to 6 and hold) e|--------------------| B|--------------------| G|-5-5-5-7-7-7--7~~/8~| D|-5-5-5-7-7-7--7~~/8~| then pick slide down! A|-3m3m3m5m5m5m-5~~/6~| E|--------------------| SOLO - Distortion (Guitar 1) (Similar to Intro 2) e|-13-----------------------------------| B|---11-10-10--11-10-10--11-1010--------| G|-------------------------------12-10--| D|--------------------------------------| A|--------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------| (Same as before with different ending) e|-13-----------------------------------| B|---11-10-10--11-10-10--11-1010--------| G|-------------------------------12-10-9| D|--------------------------------------| A|--------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------| (Part I am unsure of) (definetly on high e and B with similar notes:) e|-13------15-----13-----15-----13----15----16~~-13~| B|---111010---1010---1010---1010----10----10--------| G|--------------------------------------------------| D|--------------------------------------------------| A|--------------------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------------------| SOLO - Distortion (Guitar 2) (Play with Guitar 1 during Solo) e|-----------------| |-----------| B|-----------------| |-----------| G|----1010-7-7-55-5| |-10-----7--| D|-8--1010-7-7-55-5| X 4 then: |-10--8--7--| A|-8--8 8--5-5-33-3| |-8 --8--5--| E|-6---------------| |-----6-----| CHORUS 2 - CLEAN! (Guitar 2) e|------------------------| B|------------------------| G|------10101010-7777-5555| D|-8888-10101010-7777-5555| X 3 A|-8888-8 8 8 8 -5555-3333| E|-6666-------------------| .... . . . . .... .... e|------------------------| B|------------------------| G|------10101010-777777-55| D|-8888-10101010-777755-55| A|-8888-8 8 8 8 -555555-33| E|-6666-------------------| .... . . . . ...... .. e|------------------------| B|------------------------| G|------10101010-7777-5555| D|-8888-10101010-7777-5555| X 3 A|-8888-8 8 8 8 -5555-3333| E|-6666-------------------| .... . . . . .... .... e|------------------------| B|------------------------| G|------10101010-777777-55| D|-8888-10101010-777755-55| A|-8888-8 8 8 8 -555555-33| E|-6666-------------------| .... . . . . ...... .. CHORUS 2 - Distortion (Guitar 1) (After Guitar 2s Chorus 2) e|----------| B|----------| G|-3-----5--| D|-3--3--5--| A|-1--3--3--| E|----1-----| CHORUS INTRO CHORUS X 2 OUTRO - Distortion (Guitar 2) e|-----------------| B|-----------------| G|-10-1010---7-777-| D|-10-10108887-777-| X 5 A|-8 -8 8 8885-555-| E|--------666------| OUTRO - Distortion (Guitar 1) (Come in after Guitars 2s 2nd time) e|-----------------| B|-----------------| G|-10-1010---7-777-| D|-10-10108887-777-| X 3 A|-8 -8 8 8885-555-| E|--------666------| OUTRO - Distortion (Both) e|-----------| B|-----------| G|-10-----7--| D|-10--8--7--| A|-8 --8--5--| E|-----6-----| (After Drums...) e|---| B|---| G|-7-| D|-7-| A|-5-| E|---| Phew! That took a while... hope you all liked it. I love this song, and Lucky Boys! Go out and buy all their CDs! Especially Commitment and Throwing The Game! If you have comments or suggestions for me about this tab you can email me at: meswhitesox3@wideopenwest.com