I have heard the song "Braineaters" in many different ways by the Misfits and learned the right way to play it easily. Note: This song is similar to the guitar version but goes perfectly with the song. P.S. Play it wrongly and ninjas will hear the terrible sound and cut off your fingers. I've seen it. Verse: G:--------------------------------] D:--------------------------------] A:7777----7777----7777--------7777] X2 E:----5555----7777----77775555----] Chorus: G:----------------] D:----------------] A:--------7777----] X2 E:55555555----7777] Verse: G:--------------------------------] D:--------------------------------] A:7777----7777----7777--------7777] E:----5555----7777----77775555----] Outro: G:------------------------------------] D:------------------------------------] A:--------7777----------------77777777] End with noise E:77775555----7777777755555555--------] Thanks to Jerry,Glen,Mr.Jim,Coma. You guys still rock.