i'm no good at differnt tuneing so i'm not sure about all these octaves and what not. i picked up my old guitar and started playing it and got this. it turns out i was at a tuneing that i'm not familiar with. the 6th string is about half way between a Eb and an E... its sounds pretty good in normal tuneing though.... hm... then you just turn normally from then on out. the fist couple of times it sounds like the first two cords are played with out the 3rd string. for those of you who aren't sure which ones which, its 3rd from the thinist string. -66666666--66666666--44444444--22222222----- -77777777--66666666--44444444--44444444----- -88888888--66666666--44444444--33333333----- -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- the note that you can hear in the back round just sounded like a slide up and down from the 8th fret and back and for the second one its a slide from 4th and back... or now that i listen to it it sounds like a bend... you tell me for the second guitar, hold the cord formations of the first one and pick them... eccept for the 3rd time/cord just adding that to make life easier. -----6-------6-----------6-------6-------------6-------6-------------2-------2------ ---7---7---7---7-------6---6---6---6---------4---4---4---4---------4---4---4---4---- -8-------8-----------6-------6-------------4-------4-------------3-------3---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if you wanna holla at me my e-mail is milessterling@hosuton.rr.com