Spent ages searching on the web for a version with a correct chorus (at least one which sounded right to me), but eventually agve up and made this. Works well with me and hope it is some help to you. I've tried to give some guide to the rythm so now your on your own, enjoy. INTRO G------------------ D------------------ A-1-11------------- E------3----1-11-4- Verse G------------------------------------ D------------------------------------ A------------------66666--6---------- E--66666--622222--2--------7777-5555- Chorus A G-------------------- D-------------------- A--3--13-1----------- E-----------3-0123--- Chorus B G--------------------- D--------------------- A--3--3-33-3/6--6-66-3- E--------------------- INTRO X2 Verse X6 Chorus A X4 Chorus B X2 INTRO X2 Verse X4 Chorus A X4 Chorus B X2 Chorus A X4 Chorus B X2 INTRO X2 Verse X4 Chorus A X4 Chorus B X2 Chorus A X4 Chorus B X4 INTRO X2 Ending on; G--- D--- A--- E-3-