Song: Another Boredom Movement Artist: Project 86 Written By: Project 86 Album: Truthless Heroes Tabbed By: Shem Reyes ( ================================================================== When I tabbed this out the guitar was in Drop D and a half step down. I'm pretty sure all Project songs are in plain old Drop D. Just fiddle around w/ it and see what you like best. Intro: Listen to the Cd to get how many times to play it ring out the very last chord for the verse E---------------------------------------------------------- B---------------------------------------------------------- G---------------------------------------------5------------ D-0-0-------------/0------0---------0------0--5------------ A-0-0-ring out----/0--55--0--5/6/5--0--55--0--3------------ D-0-0-------------/0------0---------0------0--------------- Chorus Play four times E----------------------------- B----------------------------- G----------------------------- D--5555-6666-00--777/8/7------ A--5555-6666-00--xxx/x/x------ D--5555-6666-00--555/6/5------ Chorus E----------------------------------------------- B----------------------------------------------- G----------------------------------------------- D--5555-6666-00--77/---------------------------- A--5555-6666-00--xx/-slide back to the intro---- D--5555-6666-00--55/---------------------------- Interlude This is almost defintely wrong because this part is impossible to tab out. Just take what I've given u hear and play around w/ it and you should have some luck. E-///////////---//////////---\\\\------ B-//////////---///////////---\\\\------ G------------------------------------------ D------------0-------------0--------------- A------------0-------------0--------------- D------------0-------------0--------------- Let loose a few open chords everynow and then and keep rapidly playing those first two strings Bridge: E------------------------- B------------------------- G------------------------- D-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--------- A-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--------- E-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--------- Back to intro This song is lots of fun to play. I'm working on "Shelter Me" and another version of "Little Green Men". Email me at the addy above and lemme know wutcha think. God Bless