In The Fade by Queens of the Stoneage This is tuned just to normal E. Yeah I know I missed out the fills but he generally always plays that ending and if you really want fills, then make em up because its personalised. Verse: G:999------------------------------- D:---9h11-9h11---------------------- A:---------------------------------- E:---------------------------------- G:999-------------------------------- D:---9h11-9h11--11------------------- A:----------------------------------- E:-----------------9----------------- Bridge: G:--------------------------------- D:--------------------------------- A:--------------------------------- E:444444446633-333----------------- Chorus: G:------------3--------------------- D:---------35-5----------------------- A:----------------3333----------------- E:44444444------------------------------- Note: what I mean with that slide is to slide from 3 to fifth fret if your messing up just make sure you use your ring finger for it