Stone Sour - Tumult OK, I was listening to it the other nite and started messing around and this sounds rite, be merciful 'cos this is my first tab! PM - Palm Mute / - Slide Intro/outro ----------------------------- ----44444--2--5--44444--7--9 Just repeat the first bit ----66666--4--7--66666--9--11 ----66666--4--7--66666--9--11 -----PM------------PM-------- ----------------------------- Verse It's mainly bass and I haven't got a clue what it is but the guitar is just -------- --2/4--- --4/6--- -------- -------- -------- Chorus -------------------- -----44444--2--5---- -----66666--4--7---- -----66666--4--7---- ------PM------------ -------------------- Peak Again, this is just bass and this bass part is ------------------------- --------4---5----2------- ------------------------- ------------------------- That's basically it, e-mail me if u've got n e corrections and stuff. ciao