Band: The Network Song: Right Hand-A-Rama Album: Money Money 2020 Here's a really really really easy and really really cool song by Green D.. I mean the network :oP (I'm sure you've all heard the rumours) P.S. (T)he Netwo(R)k ar(E) cool!!!! Intro/Verse: ---------------------- -------9--11-11------- -8-8-8-9--11-11---8--- -9-9-8-9--11-11-8-9--- -9-9-6-7--9--9--8-9--- -7-7------------6-7--- Chorus: ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ --7-7-7-7-4-4-4-4- --7-7-7-7-4-4-4-4- --5-5-5-5-2-2-2-2- There we go, told you it was easy! Woohoo you can play a new song now :oD All of this tab transcribed by Dave Wood E mail me at