(3)r2p0 means prebend 2nd fret to 3, release bend back to 2, pulloff to open. 3(1/4) is a 1/4 bend of the 3rd fret. e--2---------------------------------------------------------- B-(3)r2p0---2---0-------0------------------------------------- G---------2---2---2p0-----2p0---0----------------------------- D---------------------2-------2------------------------------- A---------------------------------0-1-2-2-2-2-2-2-0----------- E---------------------------------------------------3(1/4)-0-- Chords come in: E-E-(chorus)A-E-E-B-E (verses) E-B-B-E-E-A-E-B-E Each chord letter above represents one measure. Listen to the song if its confusing here. The intro sounds pretty accurate to me, but my musical ear isn't the best. I welcome any comments, criticisms, corrections... DaveWH