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Repetir 6 veces

1? y 2? vez sin acompa?amiento
(Salvo la 2?, que son las mismas notas, pero con otro instrumento)

3? y 5?  
|--------------------------|-------------------------| El acorde se mantiene mientras
|-9------------------------|-------------------------| sigue sonando la intro.

4? y 6?
|-7------------------------|-6-------------4---------| Respetar los cambios !  

  Am                   Cmaj      Am                  Cmaj

  Everynight I say a prayer      Look at me:nobody cares
  Stay with me not for so long   It's alright: no needs,no hope

  See, the birds are back...     At the docks and everywhere


  Fmaj                  Am       Cmaj

  Just a mirror, passing by...   Looked inside
  Such a miracle, looking back...Times gone by,

  Here in Lisbon, realized       This whole world 

  Bmaj             Am   
  I've lost my pride...!
  and life wasn't bad...!

  so strange and divine.

* Parte A


  Lo________rd, light my way     Fi___ll  these withered


   careless hands...

* Parte B


   O______h, skies are falling down
   O______h, skies are falling down

    Skies are falling down
    Skies are falling down
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