Dreadlock Holiday Tab by 10cc tabs | tabbed by BreaktheWalls | comments (0) 1 2 3 4 5 print send report Dreadlock Holiday Lyricsby 10cc Lyrics Dreadlock Holiday Tabat 911Tabs.com + to speed up (numpad) - to slow down (numpad) Esc to stop Help Dreadlock Holiday tab by 10cc, www.Ultimate-Guitar.Com Listen to Dreadlock Holiday Add to favourites Difficulty: novice tf_artist = "10cc"; tf_song = "Dreadlock Holiday"; HI all, hope you like this tab! Good song and fun to play along to! Standard Tuning The whole song is played with focus on the higher strings-I think the actual song when with a band is the guitars only play the 3 highest strings (G B and e) and the bass does low notes. But if you only have a guitar do it this tab's way. it's fun and sounds great! VERSE: Only two chords for the verses. Pretty much palm mute the top two strings e|-------10-----------------8---------------------------------------------------| B|-------11-----------------8---------------------------------------------------| G|-------10-----------------8---------------------------------------------------| D|-------12-----------------8---------------------------------------------------| A|-------10----------------10---------------------------------------------------| E|--------x-----------------8---------------------------------------------------| The rhythm for the verse can pretty much be improvised, that's why it's fun to play. listen to the song to get the chord changes and rock out your rhythm. Chorus: Basically a few chords that go down then back up again. Once again you can the rhythm can be improvised, just look for chord changes in the song. e|--10----8---6---5---3---5---6---8--------------------------------------------| B|--11---10---8---6---4---6---8--10--------------------------------------------| G|--10---10---8---7---5---7---8--10--------------------------------------------| D|--12---10---8---7---5---7---8--10--------------------------------------------| A|--10----8---6---5---3---5---6---8--------------------------------------------| E|---x----x---x---x---x---x---x---x--------------------------------------------| Thanks Again! tf_artist = "10cc"; tf_song = "Dreadlock Holiday";