Tabbed  by: Vegard Giskehaug

The * signs are the 4 beats per measure, don't mind them if you 
haven't got a clue about tempo. Listen to the song instead!!!

Use barre chords in high positions in this song, that sounds best!!
For example on a F-chord. 

Strings  : E  A  D  G  B  e
Normal F : 1  3  3  2  1  1 
Best F   : x  8  10 10 10 8

The * signs are the 4 beats per measure, don't mind them if you 
haven't got a clue about tempo. Listen to the song instead!

|* * * * |* * * * |
|Gm    F |Cm      | 6x

|* * * * |* * * * |
|Gm   (F)|Cm      |

(F) - Play if you want to, not neccesary

[Repeat intro 2x]

|* * * * |* * * * |* * * * |* * * * |
|Gm    F |Eb      |Cm    Dm| Eb     | 2x

|* * * * |* * * * |* * * * |* * * * |
|Bb      |Bb      |Bb      |Bb   Cm |

[Repeat intro 2x]
[Play Verse 2]
[Repeat Chorus]
[Repeat intro 2x]

Verse 3:
|* * * * |* * * * | 
|G#m  F# |C#m  D#m|

|* * * * |* * * * |* * * * |* * * * |
|G#m  F# |E       |C#m  D#m| E      | 2x

|* * * * |* * * * |* * * * |* * * * |
|B       |B       |B       |B    C#m|

Repeat intro, but 1/2 tone higher, like this:
|* * * * |* * * * |
|G#m  F# |C#m     | 4x

[Repeat chorus to fade]
strings | EADGBe      E  A  D  G  B  e  
Gm      | 355333  or  10 10 12 12 11 10 |
G#m     | 466444  or  11 11 13 13 12 11 |
F       | 133211  or  8  8  10 10 10 8  |
F#      | 244322  or  9  9  11 11 11 9  |
Cm      | 335543  or  8  10 10 8  8  8  |
C#m     | 446653  or  9  11 11 9  9  9  |
Dm      | 557765  or  10 12 12 10 10 10 |
D#m     | 668876  or  11 13 13 11 11 11 |
E       | 022100  or  7  7  9  9  9  7  | 
Eb      | 365343  or  6  6  8  8  8  6  |
B       | 224442  or  7  9  9  8  7  7  |
Bb      | 113331  or  6  8  8  7  6  6  |

I was walkin' down the street
Concentratin' on truckin' right
I heard a dark voice beside of me
And I looked round in a state of fright
I saw four faces one mad
A brother from the gutter
They looked me up and down a bit
And turned to each other

I say
I don't like cricket oh no
I love it
I don't like cricket no no
I love it
Don't you walk thru my words
You got to show some respect
Don't you walk thru my words
'Cause you ain't heard me out yet

Well he looked down at my silver chain
He said I'll give you one dollar
I said You've got to be jokin' man
It was a present from me Mother
He said I like it I want it
I'll take it off your hands
And you'll be sorry you crossed me
You'd better understand that you're alone
A long way from home

And I say
I don't like reggae no no
I love it
I don't like reggae oh no
I love it
Don't you cramp me style
Don't you queer on me pitch
Don't you walk thru my words
'Cause you ain't heard me out yet

I hurried back to the swimming pool
Sinkin' pina coladas
I heard a dark voice beside me say
Would you like something harder
She said I've got it you want it
My harvest is the best
And if you try it you'll like it
And wallow in a Dreadlock Holiday

And I say
Don't like Jamaica oh no
I love her
Don't like Jamaica oh no
I love her oh yea
Don't you walk thru her words
You got to show some respect
Don't you walk thru her words
'Cause you ain't heard her out yet

I don't like cricket
I love it (Dreadlock Holiday)
I don't like reggae
I love it (Dreadlock Holiday)
Don't like Jamaica
I love her (Dreadlock Holiday)

submitted mar 03
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