Song:CREeP Band:30FOOTFALL Album:SEriaL kIlleR Comp. Tabbed:jUSTINsLATERThiS Song is A REMakE oF THAT RAdiOHEaD sonG. It's FrOM THe SeriAL kIller CompilatION. I don'T knOW iF IT's THAt POPuLar of A CD. It's FRom a SKateBoaRD COmpanY or SomeTHing. ANywAy I bELievE RAdioHead plaYs iT the SamE WAY as 30FooTFAll. IT BAsicallY goes LIKe tHis: verSE, ChoruS and BridGE (pLayeD aT DIffeRENt temPos and sTuff) G D A ------2---3----3 E-----3 ThaT'S iS iT, I thINK, TheREis ProBablY anotHEr noTE THroWn In HEre or theRE buT who CARes. THaT's IT.