I noticed the other bass tab submitted is off by 1/2 step. They probably simply forgot to mention tuning down but here is another way to play it in STANDARD TUNING. *** The only issue is the outro/ending has to be done an octave higher (personally I like the way it sounds better). VERSE: ====== G:--------------------| D:--------------------| * These are played as 1/8, 1/4, and half A:---------6666-------| notes, so listen to the song to get E:-4444444------1-2-1-|2 timing right. PRE-CHORUS: =========== G:-----------------------------------| D:-----------------------------------| * Also played in middle of verse. A:-3---------3-3-4-6-4---------------| E:---4-3-1-3-------------------------| CHORUS: ======= G:-------------------------------------| D:-------------------------------------| * Try pushing strings down on neck hard A:-2-2x-2--------1-1-----1-1-----------| with right hand where "x" is. This E:--------1-1x-1-----1-2-----1-2-------| isn't in the song, but gives a cool springy effect to the riff. OUTRO/END: ========== last G:----------------------------|-----------| D:-2-2-1-2-1-2-1-2-2-1-2-3-3--|-2-2-------| * Remember this part is an octave A:----------------------------|-----------| higher, since we don't feel like E:----------------------------|-----------| tuning down for just ONE song :) VERSE 8X PRE-CHORUS 4X VERSE 8X PRE-CHORUS 4X CHORUS 4X VERSE 8X PRE-CHORUS 4X CHORUS 4X OUTRO/END 4X Well that's it! Easy and really fun song to play. May not be 100%, but works. This is my 1st tab so have mercy on a mofo...