Tabbed by J.P. “Unity” As performed on the 311 day in New Orleans dvd Nick: “Alright, everybody on your feet. Get up. Its time to rock, god d*****." My bros are down for the unity, 311 is down for the unity.” Verse P-1 D C e|-------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------| G|---------------------------------7-5-| D|---------------------------------7-5-| A|-3p2---0--3p2---0--3p2---0--3p2--5-3-| E|-----3--------3--------3-------------| The easiest way to do this is to put your middle finger on fret 3 on string A, your index finger on fret 2 of string A, and when you play it, pick the C note (fret 3 string A) and quickly release it to the b note (fret 2 string A) and put your middle finger on the G note (fret 3 string E, if you tap hard enough, you dont have to pick the note) and lift your hand just far enough to get the open A note. So if you get that down, you only have to pick 2 notes during each repetition (except for the chords), the C and the A (open string A) F G e|-------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------| G|-------------------------------------| D|---------------------------------3-5-| A|-3p2---0--3p2---0--3p2---0--3p2--3-5-| E|-----3--------3--------3---------1-3-| Verse P-2 A G A D C A G A F G e|----------------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------------| G|-------------------7-5------------------------| D|-7-7-5-7-7--7-7--7-7-5--7-7-5-7-7--7-7--7-3-5-| A|-7-7-5-7-7--7-7--7-5-3--7-7-5-7-7--7-7--7-3-5-| E|-5-5-3-5-5--5-5--5------5-5-3-5-5--5-5--5-1-3-| Chorus E B A G# A e|---------------------------------| B|---------------------------------| G|---------------------------------| D|-2-2-2-2-9-9-9-7-7-7-7-6-6-6-7-7-| A|-2-2-2-2-9-9-9-7-7-7-7-6-6-6-7-7-| E|-0-0-0-0-7-7-7-5-5-5-5-4-4-4-5-5-| During the vocals, Palm mute it, but when the vocals stop (when Nick says “thats right”) you release the palm mute. End the chorus on a low E chord (022xxx) and bend the neck of the guitar forward (DONT BEND IT VERY HARD, JUST ENOUGH TO CHANGE THE NOTE! THEY ARE VERY EASY TO BREAK!) and the chord should go down about half a note. Bridge F# D G# e|----------------------| B|----------------------| G|----7-----------------| D|-4--7--6--------------| A|-4--5--6------4-6-4---| E|-2-----4--4-7-------7-| Bridge ending A e|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| D|--------------------------------------------7----------------------------------------| A|-----4-6-4---------4-6-4---------4-6-4------7----------------------------------------| E|-4-7-------7---4-7-------7---4-7-------7-7~-5----------------------------------------|