Disconnected Tab by 3rd Alley tabs | tabbed by Black_Pirat | comments (0) 1 2 3 4 5 print send report Disconnected Tabat 911Tabs.com + to speed up (numpad) - to slow down (numpad) Esc to stop Help Disconnected tab by 3rd Alley, www.Ultimate-Guitar.Com Listen to Disconnected Add to favourites Difficulty: novice tf_artist = "3rd Alley"; tf_song = "Disconnected"; e|---2-2-2-1-2-----------| B|--3-3-3----------------| G|-----------------------| D|-----------------------| A|-----------------------| E|-----------------------| e|-----------------------| B|--2---------2----------| G|------1--2-----2-------| D|-4--4------------------| A|-----------------------| E|-----------------------| And that's it! accords to the tab: D-Dur 4 and A-Dur 4 2 www.youtube.com/user/3rd_alley Have Fun!!! tf_artist = "3rd Alley"; tf_song = "Disconnected";